
Harvard Head Axed for Plagiarism Just Like Biden!

In a shocking turn of events at one of the most prestigious universities in the country, Harvard’s president Claudine Gay has been shown the door after an investigation into a slew of accusations against her revealed a pattern of serial plagiarism throughout her academic career. This scandal has rocked the ivory towers of academia to their core!

But wait, before anyone starts wagging fingers and clucking tongues, conservative firebrand Phil Kerpen has a bone to pick with all the finger-pointing and shock. He’s reminding us that the current president, yes folks, Joe Biden himself, is also a “serial plagiarist.” And according to Kerpen, this isn’t some new revelation; it’s been common knowledge since way back in 1987 when Biden was running for president the first time.

That’s right, back in 1987 when hair bands and acid-washed jeans were all the rage, ol’ Joe was making a bid for the Oval Office. The media, always eager to prop up their favorite liberal hopeful, painted Biden as a shining beacon of morality. They saw him as a fresh-faced contender with more character than the other guy, Gary Hart, who had to bow out of the race due to some extra-marital shenanigans. 

But the real kicker came when a vid, later traced back to a rival political campaign, surfaced, showing Biden shamelessly lifting lines from a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock. 

And if that weren’t bad enough, it turns out old Joe wasn’t just a one-time offender. Oh no, his law school records were released, and they showed that he was a repeat offender! According to those documents, he not only had less-than-stellar grades but also straight-up copied five pages from a published law review article without giving credit where credit was due.

Biden tried to smooth things over by claiming he didn’t really understand the rules of citing sources. Right. Because apparently, in Joe’s world, “cite your sources” means “copy and paste without consequences.” Naturally, his reputation and his campaign went up in flames faster than a Fourth of July firework.

Despite all of this, despite the scandal, the plagiarism, and the grades that were about as impressive as a soggy tissue, Biden was still allowed to run for president decades later. And guess what? He actually won!

The bottom line is, these left-leaning pols might wring their hands and put on a show of being shocked by Gay’s plagiarism at Harvard, but when it comes down to it, they’re perfectly fine with looking the other way when it suits them. Because, as the saying goes, when the going gets tough, the tough go… er, looking for someone else to blame. And that, dear readers, is the real scandal.

Written by Staff Reports

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