
Harvard Hugs Hamas Defender: Radical Speaker Invited Despite Outrage!

Harvard University, known for its fancy buildings and overpriced textbooks, is making headlines again for its questionable decision to host a radical Palestinian speaker who has defended Hamas, the terrorist group responsible for numerous attacks on innocent Israelis. This so-called “expert in diplomacy and conflict resolution,” Dalal Saeb Iriqat, has some pretty outrageous opinions about the violent actions of Hamas. She is set to speak at Harvard’s “Middle East Dialogue” at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center on March 7, and some folks are not happy about it.

Iriqat’s comments about the Israel-Hamas conflict are enough to make any reasonable person do a double take. She called the barbaric attack on Israel by Hamas a “normal human struggle for freedom,” as if firing rockets at innocent civilians is just another day at the park. She even had the audacity to say that the Palestinian people have the right to defend themselves, when it’s clear that Hamas’ attacks are nothing but unprovoked acts of terrorism.

To make matters worse, Harvard’s former president was forced to resign after refusing to condemn calls for genocide against Jewish people at the university. It seems like this type of radical behavior is becoming more and more common at Harvard, with student leaders even blaming Israel for Hamas’ attacks. It’s no wonder the U.S. Department of Education has launched investigations into seven schools, including Harvard, over allegations of antisemitism and “Islamophobia.”

It’s clear that Harvard needs to get its act together and stop giving a platform to individuals who defend terrorist organizations and espouse hateful rhetoric. As a prestigious institution, Harvard should be promoting diversity of thought and respectful dialogue, not providing a stage for those who condone violence and spew hatred. Hopefully, they reconsider their decision and choose speakers who actually contribute to meaningful and constructive discussions about the Middle East.

Written by Staff Reports

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