
Harvard Poll Shocker: Youth Demand Israel’s Demise for Hamas!

Alright, folks, gather around because this one’s a doozy. It seems like the folks over at Harvard and Harris have been grilling the young ‘uns about some pretty serious stuff, and boy, oh boy, did they deliver. The results are in, and it looks like a whopping 51% of the sweet young things surveyed think Israel should be obliterated and handed over to Hamas. Yikes!

But that’s not all, friends. A staggering 67% of those in the 18-24 age group believe that all Jews are oppressors and should be treated as such. Really? Come on, kids, let’s check ourselves here. That’s not how we treat people, no matter what your grandpappy’s cousin’s friend told you.

Now, I’m no mathematician, but those numbers are troubling. It looks like the idea of wiping out Israel and giving it to Hamas is all the rage among the younger crowd, but fear not – 58% of these youngsters also think Hamas should be kicked out of running Gaza. Talk about mixed messages, am I right?

In a surprising turn of events, though, it seems that not all hope is lost. Around 32% of young Americans want to see Israel and Palestine coexist in a two-state solution, and 17% think the Arab states should absorb the displaced Palestinians. At least there’s a glimmer of understanding in there somewhere, right?

But hold onto your hats, because it gets even more bonkers. It turns out that nearly 20% of these young’uns think the Holocaust was just a myth. Can you believe it? It’s like they missed the memo on that whole shebang. Someone needs to pull out those dusty history books and set the record straight, because that’s just plain old wacky talk.

And keep your ears perked, because even ol’ Bill Maher had some thoughts on this mess. According to him, this isn’t a new phenomenon – it’s just another bout of young goofiness. But he’s not wrong – history is filled with violence and conflict, and it seems like these kids are just carrying on the tradition.

So there you have it, folks. The youngsters are showing their true colors, and it’s a real head-scratcher. But fear not, because the truth always comes out in the end. Let’s hope they come to their senses before they head to the polls.

Written by Staff Reports

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