
Harvard’s Woke Leadership Embraces Antisemitism, Dodges Plagiarism Fire!

Harvard President Claudine Gay just can’t seem to catch a break. Last week, in front of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, she was asked whether calling for the genocide of Jews violated the campus code of conduct regarding harassment. Instead of coming out strong against such an abhorrent and hateful notion, she waffled and mumbled on about everything needing to be taken in context. That’s liberal code for “we’re cool with pro-Hamas propaganda, folks!” And she’s not the only one spewing these weak excuses. UPenn’s Liz Magill and MIT’s Sally Kornbluth also echoed similar sentiments, with Magill eventually being forced to resign over her public relations disaster.

Now Ms. Gay is facing what looks to be a serious plagiarism scandal. But if anyone dares to suggest as much, they’re immediately labeled as racist. Because, you know, that’s what we do when we can’t come up with a legitimate defense – just cry “racism” and hope people back off. 

Despite this egregious display of moral bankruptcy, Harvard has announced that Gay won’t be facing any consequences. Yep, they’ve decided to keep their long, sordid history of enabling and promoting antisemitism alive and kicking. To make matters worse, Gay thought it would be a genius move to attend a menorah lighting ceremony to smooth things over. Yeah, that’s not gonna cut it. And to top it off, she used a tiki torch in a misguided attempt to do…something. 

Using something that has been popularized by white nationalists, known for their hateful and anti-Semitic chants, is the kind of tone-deaf move you’d expect from the uber-liberal crowd. And just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, nearly 25 percent of young Americans apparently believe that the Holocaust was a myth. You couldn’t make this stuff up.

In short, Harvard, UPenn, MIT, and a slew of other institutions have shown their true colors as they’ve bumbled their way into the pro-Hamas camp. And let’s not forget the multitude of students who are not only supportive but also echoing sentiments that parallel the darkest chapters of human history. It’s a sad state of affairs when the Land of the Free’s best and brightest are aligning themselves with the ideologies of the cruelest regimes the world has ever known. This is not just a misstep; it’s a downward spiral into the depths of moral bankruptcy.

Written by Staff Reports

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