Trump’s Unwavering Stance on Healthcare and Insurance
From the moment Donald J. Trump took office, he pledged to obliterate the healthcare debacle that was Obamacare — and true to his word, he made significant strides in transforming a system riddled with loopholes and inefficiencies, to a more balanced, patient-centered approach.
The Dismantling of the Affordable Care Act
As part of his bid to overhaul the previous administration’s healthcare policy, one of President Trump’s most significant achievements was the successful repeal of the individual mandate. The individual mandate, a significant pillar of Obamacare, effectively forced American citizens to buy health insurance or face a hefty tax penalty. This repeal was a victory for individual freedom, giving Americans the autonomy to make decisions about their healthcare without being penalized.
Price Transparency: A Win for Consumers
Another trump card (pun intended) in the President’s healthcare transformation strategy is his stance on price transparency. The signing of the Executive Order on Improving Price and Quality Transparency in June 2019 was a turning point for the industry. Not only did this move promote competition, but it also empowered patients by giving them vital information to make informed choices about their healthcare. No longer can hospitals and insurance companies cloak their pricing in secrecy — making healthcare pricing more akin to haggling in a bazaar than an integral part of a first-world medical system.
The Short-term, Limited-Duration Insurance
A highlight of Trump’s term in office is his policy encouraging the sale of short-term, limited-duration insurance. These insurance plans, while not as comprehensive as those mandated by Obamacare, are cheaper alternatives. They offer American families and small business owners a much-needed lifeline, especially in these difficult times when businesses are hit hard, and regular Americans are tightening their belts.
Lowering Prescription Drug Costs
Perhaps one of the most impactful – yet often overlooked – aspects of President Trump’s healthcare reform was his fight to lower prescription drug prices. President Trump accomplished what multiple past presidents promised to do, but failed: he signed four executive orders aiming at reducing the cost of prescription drugs. This landmark move was the first step towards ensuring that patients – particularly the elderly and those with chronic conditions – are not held ransom by astronomical drug prices. It’s a testament to Trump’s willingness to tackle long-standing issues head-on, rather than passing them off to another administration.
The Road Ahead
President Trump has shown time and again that he is more than willing to make hard choices in the best interest of the American people. The progress made in healthcare reforms and insurance during his first term is evidence of this. Should he be entrusted with the helm again, further reform for the American healthcare system is sure to be on the horizon.
As we look towards the future of healthcare in America, we need to contemplate the consequences of throwing away these hard-earned battles that have made healthcare more affordable, transparent, and consumer-friendly. Can we afford to regress back to the days of spiraling healthcare costs and limited choices? Or shall we stand behind a leader who delivers on his promises to fight for the average American?