
High-Profile John Kirby Sides with Us, Stomps Mainstream Media’s Hamas Coverage!

In a shocking turn of events, John Kirby, a member of the Biden administration, managed to come out on top of a heated exchange with a reporter, proving that pigs can indeed fly. Kirby found himself under fire for questioning the casualty numbers coming out of Gaza, but instead of backing down, he stood his ground in a way that almost made people forget he works for the current administration. And let’s be honest, that’s quite an accomplishment.

The exchange between Kirby and the reporter, transcribed by Curtis Houck, revealed that Kirby not only doubled down on his initial statements, but also called out Hamas for their use of human shields and other horrific acts. He pointed out the harsh realities of war and made it clear that Hamas is to blame for the civilian casualties.

It’s refreshing to see someone in the Biden administration actually speak the truth, even if it goes against the mainstream narrative. The Hamas-led “Ministry of Health” in Gaza has a long history of inflating death tolls for propaganda purposes, and yet, the mainstream press continues to rely on their statistics without question. It’s about time someone called out the lack of credibility in their claims.

While we may never know the true death toll in Gaza, one thing is for certain: we shouldn’t simply believe what Hamas is telling us. Kirby’s refusal to apologize and his commitment to speaking the truth is a rare moment of clarity from an administration that often obfuscates in tough situations.

Of course, I fully expect the Biden administration to undermine Kirby’s statements, as they often do. But for one day at least, they managed to do something right. Kudos to Kirby for standing up to the pressure and not backing down. Maybe there’s hope yet for this administration.

Written by Staff Reports

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