
Hillary Clinton Struggles to Stay Relevant as Biden Exits 2024 Race

Hillary Clinton’s relevance in the Democratic Party is looking more and more like a relic of the past, a bit like that old flip phone everyone used to love before they got real smartphones. The recent circus surrounding President Biden’s decision not to seek re-election highlights her rather desperate attempts to cling to whatever influence she has left.

Right before Biden dropped the bombshell about his exit from the 2024 race, old Bill’s better half tried to swoop in and play power broker. The week was filled with juicy reports indicating that none other than Barack Obama was changing his tune. Instead of giving Biden a pat on the back and a “go get ’em, tiger,” he was essentially saying “hey, maybe it’s time to hit the road.” With that kind of endorsement being pulled, it didn’t take a crystal ball to see that Biden’s days were numbered.

In a classic “me too” moment, Clinton sprang into action by publicly declaring her support for Biden, as if to wave a hand and exclaim “I still matter!” Simultaneously, a loyal minion released an article pushing for Hillary to take Biden’s place at the top of the ticket. Talk about misreading the room—the bid for power came only after it seemed the Biden era was stealthily being wrapped up, a sign that she clearly lacks the political clout that would make anyone actually listen to her.

The whole situation turned a tad more ridiculous after Biden eventually did what we all suspected he might—he officially bowed out. Once again, Clinton wasted no time in trying to insert herself into the spotlight by being one of the first to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as the new Democratic choice. It was almost sweet enough to make one cringe. The true kingpins of the party, however, decided to play coy. Notably, Obama and Nancy Pelosi withheld their endorsements for Harris, with Obama even going so far as to cryptically reassure everyone that the party would eventually choose a worthy candidate. In other words, he wasn’t exactly feeling Kamala.

Clinton’s rush to endorse Harris could either be a stroke of genius or the ultimate misfire. If Harris somehow manages to snag the nomination, Clinton could strut around claiming she was the original supporter, ready to remind Harris of her loyalty just when it matters most. On the flip side, if Harris flops, it will be a further indication that Clinton’s time in the limelight is officially over, eclipsed by the bright lights of the younger generation rising through the ranks.

The political stage is set for the next round of Democratic contenders, and one has to wonder if Clinton’s antics will bear any fruit in her quest for power. One thing is certain: the days of being a Democratic power player might just be behind her. The real question is whether she can accept it gracefully or if we’ll witness yet another round of her tennis match with relevance.

Written by Staff Reports

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