
Hillary Funds Art Vandals in Climate Chaos, Clinton’s Latest Controversy Uncovered

Onward Together, an advocacy group established by the notorious Hillary Clinton has recently come under criticism after donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF), a charity closely linked to radical climate groups that frequently and viciously destroy art to raise awareness about their so-called “climate change” agenda. According to the latest tax forms, Clinton’s group donated $300,000 to CEF between April 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022, fuelling yet another controversy about her unethical and irresponsible actions.

The Climate Emergency Fund, funded by wealthy, woke elitists, is known for its outrageous and hostile protests, including defacing fine art and causing chaos within museums. One of their demonstrations included throwing tomato soup on a Vincent Van Gogh painting worth roughly $84 million at London’s National Gallery. Their members often glue themselves to famous paintings, with the CEF encouraging such “bold actions” to draw awareness to “climate change,” regardless of the property damage inflicted and the heritage lost.

CEF’s executive director Margaret Klein Salamon admitted that the most outlandish protest tactics were necessary because of the “terrible” climate emergency. This justification is certainly not reason enough to destroy irreplaceable pieces of art and disturb museum guests. Besides, it would be interesting to explore how much these political organizations genuinely contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions and protection of the environment.

Interestingly, CEF was not the only Left-wing group to be funded by Onward Together. Clinton donated $10,000 to the Sixteen Thirty Fund, another dark money group led by Arabella Advisors, and $25,000 to New Georgia Project, a voting-rights charity founded by failed Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. The pattern of support for these radical groups reflects Clinton’s extreme Leftist views and her willingness to be associated with extremist causes.

It is not only Clinton who is supporting CEF, as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) political action committee, among many, donated $9,000 to CEF in 2021. This aligns with Ocasio-Cortez’s habit of instilling fear in people that the world will end shortly due to “climate change.” The congressman is known for her strong support for radical and dangerous organizations in the name of environmentalism, which begs the question of her priorities.

In conclusion, Clinton’s support of CEF and other Leftist organizations is not only disturbing but also detrimental to the wellbeing of the general public. It is clear that their radical agenda has left a legacy of dissent, disorder, and criminality, and it is crucial that citizens voice their concern and urge our leaders to exercise caution and sanity.

Written by Staff Reports

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