
Hillary Slams Trump Fans, Ignoring Own Dark Past: Hypocrisy Level 100!

It’s no secret that Hillary Clinton has a long history of doing despicable things, from pushing the Russia collusion hoax to causing division in the country. She was more interested in her power and winning than in the well-being of the nation. It’s a shame that she has never been held accountable for her actions, which is one of the most glaring examples of the uneven application of justice in our country.

With the indictment of former President Donald Trump, Clinton has emerged from her hole to once again attack Trump and his supporters. During an interview on “Pod Save America,” she suggested that millions of Americans have a “psychology” she doesn’t understand because they continue to support him despite the indictment. This coming from the same woman who labeled millions of Americans “deplorable” during her failed presidential campaign.

Clinton goes on to suggest that the indictment presents an opportunity for the Republican Party to break with Trump but that they haven’t taken that opportunity. This, coming from someone who was behind the Steele Dossier and whose team fed information to the FBI to target her political opponent. She also had a private server that avoided normal government review, deleted 30,000 emails, and destroyed phones.

Clinton is hardly in a position to talk about anyone else’s psychology, especially considering she didn’t have the power to determine classification as a president would. Her comments on Joe Biden are also worth noting. While superficially complimentary, they are actually left-handed compliments, as she suggests that Biden is in a strong position to run a campaign that doesn’t have to talk about him. The truth is, Democrats don’t want to talk about him because he is prone to gaffes and has terrible policies.

There was one thing about the interview that was quietly hilarious, though. Did anyone notice the “Crooked” label right over her head? That’s right, the same nickname Trump gave her during the 2016 election. It was certainly a priceless move, considering “Pod Save America” is part of “Crooked Media.”

In conclusion, Hillary Clinton has proven time and time again that she is out of touch with Americans and the issues that matter to them. Her comments on Trump and his supporters are baseless and hypocritical, especially considering her own history of wrongdoing. Thankfully, she lost the election, and the country is better off without her divisive politics.

Written by Staff Reports

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