
Hillary’s Sour Grapes: Rants on SCOTUS & Ignores Left’s Dark Money

Former Secretary of State and unsuccessful Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton just couldn’t resist the temptation to let loose a series of tweets ranting about the recent Supreme Court decisions. In typical Clinton fashion, she moaned and groaned about the court’s conservative rulings and bemoaned their supposed attack on our freedoms. Oh, Hillary, always playing the victim!

According to Clinton, the Supreme Court’s goal has always been to “turn back the clock on our freedoms.” Wow, talk about a dramatic exaggeration. She seems to forget that justices are appointed to interpret the Constitution, not push some radical agenda. But hey, why let facts get in the way of a good liberal sob story?

She also went on a tirade about “dark, subversive money” supporting the conservative cause. It’s hilarious how she conveniently ignores the millions of dollars poured into left-wing organizations and campaigns. I guess in Clintonland, it’s only problematic when the other side does it.

In one tweet, she even resurfaced an old gem from 2016, where she talked about packing the Supreme Court to “rip away all the progress we’ve made.” Oh, Hillary, just admit it – you’re bitter because you lost. And guess what? The Supreme Court would still be ruling in a conservative manner with or without your presence in the White House.

But let’s be honest here. Would we really want Clinton as president from 2017-2020? We dodged a bullet there. Can you imagine the state of our country if she had the power to shape the judiciary? Thank God we had President Trump, who appointed three outstanding conservative justices who have faithfully upheld the Constitution.

Of course, there were some level-headed Twitter users who saw through Clinton’s theatrics. One rightly pointed out that the Supreme Court is simply upholding the Constitution and the rule of law – concepts that Clinton seems to know little about. And it’s true, following the Constitution shouldn’t be labeled as “hard right.” It’s called adhering to the principles our country was founded upon.

In the end, we should be grateful for a Supreme Court that takes its constitutional duty seriously and reins in the left’s attempts to push their radical agenda through the judicial system. The court is a necessary check against government overreach and ensures that our nation remains true to its founding principles. So, thank you, Supreme Court conservatives, for protecting us from the left’s relentless assault on our liberties.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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