
Hobbs Dodges on Biden as Arizona Leans Republican

Governor Katie Hobbs might be trying to paint a pretty picture, but anyone can see the cracks in the frame. When asked whether President Biden should bow out of the re-election race, Hobbs’s answer had all the spark of a wet matchstick: “That’s up to the president.” It’s almost as if she is more concerned about dodging political landmines than showing strong leadership.

In a rather comedic twist, Hobbs attempted to offer a kind shoulder to Biden by sympathizing with his struggle in debates, comparing it to her own experience of avoiding them altogether in her gubernatorial race. It seems she wants to let everyone know that the choice between Biden and Trump is “abundantly clear,” but if so, why all the hemming and hawing?

On the topic of Biden’s ability to serve for another four years, Hobbs did her best to assure Arizonans that, yes, the nearly octogenarian president could indeed do the job. She rattled off some platitudes about the stakes in the upcoming election and mentioned the concerns Arizonans have about Biden’s age. It was not exactly a ringing endorsement when the most she could muster was that Biden needed to work hard to reassure Americans.

If there was any doubt about where Hobbs stands, her refusal to spill the beans about private calls with Biden and other Democratic governors after his dismal debate performance ought to clear that right up. Maine’s Governor Janet Mills and New Mexico’s Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham didn’t hold back their doubts about Biden’s ability to carry their states, a sentiment likely shared more broadly than Hobbs would like to admit.

Following in former Governor Doug Ducey’s footsteps, Hobbs rolled out her own campaign fund in 2023, aiming to tip the balance in the Arizona Legislature. But her lukewarm response to whether Biden’s faltering campaign would sabotage her efforts shows her thinly veiled frustration. She remains laser-focused on gaining a governing majority, as though sheer willpower alone could overcome the Biden-shaped anchor dragging her party down.

The Cook Political Report’s shift of Arizona from a “Toss Up” to “Lean R” might be the reality check Democrats need. While Hobbs sweeps Biden’s sinking approval ratings under the rug, it’s becoming clear that the more she talks, the more it sounds like nervous whistling past the graveyard. Are Republicans smiling yet? They should be.

Written by Staff Reports

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