
Hochul’s U-Turn: NY Gov Rebels Against Biden’s Open Border Madness

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has made a surprising call for tighter regulation of the border in order to keep out illegal migrants. Hochul expressed concern about large numbers of people from different parts of the world arriving and ending up homeless on the streets of New York. During her appearance on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” the governor criticized President Biden’s open borders policy and called on Congress to take action.

In response to a question about what Congress should do in the next 45 days, Hochul criticized Speaker McCarthy and the Republicans for complaining about migrants while refusing to work with President Biden on a sensible border strategy. She emphasized the need for limits on who can come across the border, stating that it is currently too open and allowing people from all over the world to enter under the claim of needing asylum. Hochul pointed out that this is causing a significant problem for New York City, with an influx of 125,000 newly arrived individuals who are putting a strain on resources.

While acknowledging the history and diversity of New York as a welcoming place for immigrants, Hochul stressed that there need to be controls in place to manage the situation. She called on Congress to put more controls at the border and increase the number of Border Patrol agents, rather than eliminating positions as suggested in the budget threat. Hochul appeared on CNN and reiterated that New York has reached its capacity and asked for other areas to accommodate these individuals.

It is worth noting that Hochul’s stance on illegal migrants has changed since 2021 when she said, “we want them to come here” and that they are welcome. It seems that the realities of the current situation have forced her to reassess her position. It’s good to see politicians recognizing the need for border security and taking action to address the challenges caused by mass migration.

Written by Staff Reports

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