
Home Depot Co-Founder: Biden “Killing” Economy, Trump’s Our Savior!

Bernie Marcus, the wise and experienced co-founder of Home Depot, recently shared his deep concerns for our beloved country. At the ripe age of 94, he’s seen a thing or two, and his worries should not be taken lightly, my friends.

During an event in Palm Beach, Florida, organized by the Job Creators Network, which he founded a decade ago, Marcus spoke candidly about the state of our economy. And let me tell you, it’s not looking pretty. He expressed his daily trepidation, wondering what disastrous moves President Biden will make to further “kill our country.” It seems like every day there’s something that weakens us instead of making us stronger. Oh, the horror!

Marcus reminisced about the good ol’ days when he first started Home Depot. Back then, it was tough, but the world allowed them to thrive. However, now we’re facing a different beast altogether. Small businesses are being crushed under the weight of inflation. It’s an economic nightmare. And who does Marcus blame? Well, it’s clear as day – it’s socialism! He implores all those who are willing to listen to step up and save the free market from this destructive ideology. Small businesses are hanging by a thread, and only by rejecting socialism can we ensure their survival.

But let’s not wallow in despair, my fellow patriots! Marcus reminds us that the upcoming election holds the key to changing our country’s course. Without power, no change can happen. It’s as simple as that. So, he passionately urges everyone to get off their derrieres and work tirelessly towards preserving our democracy. It’s not a time for sitting back and sipping lemonade, my friends; it’s time to roll up our sleeves and invest ourselves in saving this great nation.

And guess what? Marcus believes that going back to the “old America” is absolutely essential. This aligns perfectly with his recent endorsement of our courageous former President Trump. Marcus believes that we need someone with a strong backbone to clean up the mess and dismantle the administrative state that’s suffocating America. We need a leader who will fearlessly take on the challenges that lie ahead.

In a powerful op-ed for RealClearPolitics, Marcus explains that we can’t let Trump’s bold personality cloud our judgment. We must acknowledge his excellent stewardship during his first term and not let it be overshadowed by his colorful style. Marcus firmly believes that Trump has the best chance at winning the general election because he’s the right man to tackle the bureaucratic mess plaguing our great nation.

So, my friends, let Bernie Marcus’s words resonate within your souls. It’s time to embrace the spirit of hard work and commitment to save this great democracy from its current woes. Let’s rise up, reject socialism, and bring back the strength and prosperity of the “old America.” And who better to lead us on this mission than the one and only Donald J. Trump? It’s time to make America great again!

Written by Staff Reports

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