
Houck Family Strikes Back: Sues Biden Admin for Pro-Life Persecution!

In a shocking turn of events, Catholic pro-life activist Mark Houck and his wife Ryan-Marie Houck have filed a claim against the Biden administration, seeking a whopping $4.3 million in damages. They are accusing the Justice Department and FBI of targeting Mr. Houck over his anti-abortion views. And let’s just say, the details of their claim are quite compelling.

According to their notice of claim, Mr. Houck is demanding $1.1 million in damages for what he alleges was malicious and retaliatory prosecution, false arrest, abuse of process, and assault. He points to a terrifying raid on his rural Pennsylvania home in September 2022, where at least a dozen heavily armed FBI agents stormed in front of his wife and seven children. Talk about a dramatic entrance!

But it doesn’t end there. Mrs. Houck is also seeking justice for herself, as she is suing for a whopping $3.25 million. Her claim focuses on the severe emotional and physical distress she experienced, which tragically resulted in three miscarriages. The stress of the FBI’s conduct and resulting prosecution apparently took such a toll on her body that she has now been diagnosed with infertility. It’s truly heart-wrenching to hear.

To add insult to injury, Mr. Houck was charged last year with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act after a tussle with a Planned Parenthood volunteer who dared to confront him. While local authorities wisely declined to prosecute, a Philadelphia jury eventually acquitted Mr. Houck of the federal charges. It seems justice was finally served, but the trauma of the false accusations still lingers.

Handling the Houcks’ case is the Institute for Law and Justice at 40 Days for Life, a pro-life organization that Mr. Houck has been volunteering for since 2007. Shawn Carney, the CEO of 40 Days for Life, has spoken out about the injustice, calling it a “horrible day for America.” He accuses the Department of Justice of harboring blatant bigotry and hatred towards pro-life and Catholic Americans. Dark times indeed, my friends.

While the Biden administration has remained tight-lipped about the Houcks’ claim, it cannot be ignored that they are currently under fire for aggressively pursuing FACE Act charges against numerous pro-life protesters. As if that wasn’t enough, only a handful of charges have been brought against the violent attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers. It’s clear that the scales of justice are severely imbalanced in this case.

Attorney General Merrick Garland did acknowledge the disparity at a Senate hearing back in March, but his explanation left much to be desired. He claimed that catching pro-choice vandals was more difficult because they operated at night in secret, unlike the pro-life protesters who were caught on camera during daylight. Please, tell us more about the challenges of being a pro-choice vandal, Mr. Garland.

In any case, the Houcks’ claim highlights a disturbing trend of bias and discrimination against those who hold conservative religious views. It’s a travesty that in a country founded on the principles of freedom of speech and religious liberty, individuals like the Houcks are being targeted and silenced. Let’s hope their claim brings attention to this injustice and sparks a much-needed change.

Written by Staff Reports

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