
House GOP Hero Fights to Ditch Tax-Sucking DEI Office!

Congressman Alex Mooney of West Virginia, a Republican, is on a mission to shake things up in the House of Representatives. He’s taking aim at the Congressional Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI), a controversial office that many conservatives see as unnecessary and filled with leftist ideas. Mooney announced his resolution to eliminate the ODI on Monday, following the House’s move to get rid of similar offices at the Pentagon.

Mooney isn’t holding back when it comes to criticizing the ODI. He argues that diversity, equity, and inclusion offices are just a Trojan horse for spreading cultural Marxism. According to him, these offices start with the assumption that white people are inherently racist and oppressive. It’s a bold move from Mooney, taking a stand against what he sees as a dangerous ideology creeping its way into American institutions.

To its credit, the ODI claims to be nonpartisan and nonlegislative. However, many Republicans are suspicious of its true intentions and believe it promotes discrimination against conservative viewpoints. They argue that it’s time to do away with DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) programs altogether. They see these programs as a tool for liberal indoctrination and a way to undermine merit-based hiring and promotion.

It’s no surprise that Mooney’s resolution has attracted support from his fellow Republicans. Representatives like Lauren Boebert, Andy Biggs, Bob Good, and Chip Roy have all co-signed the bill. However, it’s unlikely that any Democrats will jump on board. The bill will face an uphill battle in the Senate if it even manages to get through the House. But hey, at least someone is standing up against the reign of wokeness in Washington.

Written by Staff Reports

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