
House GOP Ready to Ax Senate’s Defense Splurge

The long-awaited Senate bipartisan defense supplemental spending package has finally been unveiled, and the House GOP leadership has made it crystal clear that they are ready to knock it out of the park. Senate appropriators unleashed the legislative text of the bill after months of negotiations, which would unlock assistance for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, and address the border security issue. However, this deal was met with ferocious opposition from top House Republicans, who have vowed to plunge a dagger into its heart.

House Speaker Mike Johnson expressed his distaste for the bill on social media, likening it to a catastrophe created by the President and claiming it “won’t come close to ending the border catastrophe.” He did not hold back, warning that if the bill reaches the House, it’s going to be dead on arrival. Ouch! Talk about a political showdown!

Not to be outdone, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise vowed that the bill would NOT receive a vote on the House floor. Now that’s what we call taking a firm stance! Their determination to crush this bill is as strong as an elephant’s memory, and it seems like they’re not backing down any time soon.

On the other hand, Sen. James Lankford, the lead GOP negotiator on the deal, expressed confusion at the House GOP’s comments. He couldn’t wrap his head around the opposition, highlighting the bill’s efforts to strengthen border security and immigration enforcement. He even made it clear that he was a little confused and needed to get with the speaker’s team to discuss the actual text.

As if that wasn’t enough drama, the bill faces opposition from progressives and Hispanic members on the Democratic side as well. They feel left out and oppose enhanced restrictions on immigrants, revealing a deep divide within the Senate on the issue.

Even Senator Marco Rubio, a Hispanic Republican, took a swing at the legislation, describing it as “an easy NO” and comparing it to a parody of an actual border security bill. It’s clear that both Republicans and Democrats are grudgingly playing nice, and there seems to be no end in sight to the fiery debate.

Now, despite all the uproar and dust-kicking, the legislation is expected to eventually pass the Senate with bipartisan support. But with the formidable opposition from House Republican leadership and the centrist factions, it’s safe to say that this legislative battle is far from over. Grab your popcorn, folks, because this showdown is just getting started!

Written by Staff Reports

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