
House GOP Slams Biden Clan, Votes to Impeach and Charges Hunter!

House Republicans are fed up with the shady shenanigans of the Biden family and they’re not afraid to show it! They initiated contempt of Congress charges against Hunter Biden, the President’s son, after he refused to answer questions about his father’s sketchy foreign business deals. This is the latest high-stakes drama in the ongoing investigation into the Biden family’s questionable activities.

The House investigators mean serious business. They even voted to formally endorse an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, sending a clear message to the White House that they expect full compliance with their information requests and subpoenas. With the contempt charges in the works, it’s clear that the Republicans are not messing around.

Hunter Biden, however, thinks he’s too good to comply with the House’s demands. He staged a press conference on the Capitol’s doorstep, condemning the impeachment inquiry into his dad and blaming the “unrelenting Trump attack machine” for exposing his personal life and financial problems. Republicans were not impressed and quickly announced plans to hold him in contempt of Congress. They made it clear that they won’t give him any special treatment just because of his last name.

During his press conference, Hunter made some bold statements about his father’s involvement in his business deals, but Republicans weren’t buying it. They quickly pounced on his words as a “huge change” in his story, citing bank records and witness testimony that suggest the President was indeed involved in his son’s lucrative business endeavors. The Biden family’s troubles just keep piling up!

To top it all off, Hunter was hit with federal charges for tax evasion and filing false tax returns. This is a big deal and it just goes to show that the Biden family is knee-deep in legal troubles. The Republicans are leaving no stone unturned in their quest to hold the Bidens accountable for their questionable activities.

The Biden family may think they’re above the law, but the House Republicans are determined to unravel the truth. The drama continues to unfold, and it’s clear that the Bidens are in hot water. Stay tuned for more juicy details in this political saga!

Written by Staff Reports

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