
House GOP slams brakes on Biden’s electric vehicle crusade!

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives made a bold move on Thursday, putting the brakes on the Biden Administration’s aggressive push for electric vehicles. They voted to block the administration’s plan to have a whopping 67 percent of new vehicles be electric by 2032. Whew, talk about dodging a bullet!

U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) made a smart point, saying that while electric vehicles may have a place in the auto industry, we shouldn’t ignore other technologies like hydrogen, hybrids, and good ol’ internal combustion engines. It’s all about keeping our options open, right?

Even a handful of Democrats saw the light and joined forces with the Republicans, leading to a 221 to 197 vote in favor of stopping the electric vehicle madness. But of course, Biden is throwing a fit, threatening to veto the legislation. He’s claiming it would cripple the EPA’s ability to regulate the auto industry. Oh, come on, Biden! Can’t you take a hint?

The EPA has been flexing its muscles, boasting that these strict electric vehicle rules would slash carbon emissions by a whopping 56 percent by 2032. But let’s face it, those are some pretty lofty claims. Automakers are trying to bring some common sense to the table, arguing that EVs aren’t exactly rolling in the dough, and the infrastructure just isn’t there yet.

Biden’s not stopping there, oh no. He’s also signed a bunch of executive orders to turn the entire federal vehicle fleet electric by 2035! The U.S. Army and Navy are jumping on the bandwagon too, outlining grand plans to cut emissions and go all-in on electric vehicles. They’re talking about slashing emissions by half, going all-electric for non-combat vehicles by 2035, and even dreaming of electric combat vehicles by 2050. Looks like they’re trying to outdo each other with these green dreams!

But hold your horses, because former President Trump has promised to undo all of Biden’s executive orders if he gets another shot at the White House. You can bet there’s some serious showdowns on the horizon!

Written by Staff Reports

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