
Hunter Biden Defies Subpoena, Refuses Private Testimony!

In a stunning display of arrogance and entitlement, Hunter Biden announced in a press conference on Wednesday that he will not be complying with the lawful subpoena from House investigators. Rather than answering questions behind closed doors, as the subpoena required, Biden insisted that he will only testify under his own rules. It seems that the rules of our legal system simply don’t apply to the privileged Biden family.

This act of defiance will undoubtedly have consequences for the House impeachment inquiry vote later in the day. President Joe Biden’s involvement in the shady dealings of the Biden family business will come under even more scrutiny, as his own son refuses to cooperate with investigators. The evidence against Joe Biden continues to pile up, and it simply cannot be ignored any longer.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has pointed to multiple instances of wrongdoing by Joe Biden. The facts speak for themselves:

1. The Biden family received a whopping $15 million from various questionable sources, including Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, and China. It’s clear that Joe Biden and his family were using their political connections for personal financial gain.

2. Joe Biden had numerous conversations with Hunter Biden’s business associates, indicating a level of involvement that he has repeatedly denied. The lies are catching up to him.

3. Joe Biden directly received monthly payments from his son’s business account, which was funded by Chinese state-linked companies and foreign nationals. This is a clear conflict of interest and raises serious questions about Joe Biden’s integrity.

4. The Justice Department’s handling of the investigation into Hunter Biden has been riddled with deviations, suggesting a cover-up or a lack of commitment to uncovering the truth.

5. According to an FBI FD-1023 form, Joe Biden accepted a $5 million bribe while he was vice president. This is a shocking revelation that cannot be swept under the rug.

Despite all this damning evidence, Hunter Biden continues to maintain that his father had no involvement in his business ventures. It’s clear that the Biden family is desperately trying to distance Joe Biden from their questionable activities, but the truth will come out.

Hunter Biden’s refusal to cooperate with the House investigators only deepens the suspicion surrounding the Biden family. If he continues to defy the subpoena, he could face serious consequences. The House has the power to hold him in contempt of Congress, which could result in fines or even imprisonment. It’s about time someone in the Biden family faces the consequences of their actions.

Hunter Biden’s tantrum and refusal to comply with the subpoena is just the latest example of the Biden family’s arrogance and entitlement. The American people deserve answers, and it’s time for the truth to come out. Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s business dealings cannot be ignored any longer, and the House must take appropriate action to hold him accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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