
Hunter Biden Demands Spotlight, GOP Says “No Dice!”

On Tuesday morning, Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell made it known to the House Oversight Committee that his client would comply with a subpoena issued earlier in the month by Chairman James Comer, but with a sneaky twist – Hunter only wants to testify in public, not behind closed doors. Typical liberal theatrics, right?

Chairman Comer has made it abundantly clear that he’s not taking any of Hunter’s shenanigans and is sticking to his guns. He’s not budging an inch on the requirements laid out in the subpoena to Hunter on November 8. “Hunter Biden is trying to play by his own rules instead of following the rules required of everyone else. That won’t stand with House Republicans,” Comer blasted in a statement Tuesday. “Our lawfully issued subpoena to Hunter Biden requires him to appear for a deposition on December 13. We expect full cooperation with our subpoena for a deposition but also agree that Hunter Biden should have the opportunity to testify in a public setting at a future date.” You tell ’em, Comer!

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan is also joining the chorus of disapproval, expressing his desire for Hunter to testify in public, along with the required deposition. “Donald Trump Jr. sat for two depositions with Congress. Why can’t Hunter Biden?” Jordan questioned, calling out the blatant double standard.

The sentiment from House Republicans is clear – they’re not letting Hunter Biden off the hook. They’re thrilled that Hunter has “decided” to cooperate (finally!) and are eagerly awaiting his deposition on December 13, with an added bonus of looking forward to grilling him in a public hearing. It’s about time the truth sees the light of day.

Written by Staff Reports

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