
Hunter Biden Dodges Testimony: Comer & Jordan Uncover the Truth

It’s no surprise that Hunter Biden is trying to weasel his way out of testifying before the House Oversight Committee. After all, it’s a skill he learned from his dad, President Joe Biden. But Chairman James Comer (R-KY) isn’t having any of it. He rejected Hunter’s offer for open door testimony, making it clear that he won’t stand with House Republicans. Good for him!

In a letter written with House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), Comer reaffirmed his decision to reject Hunter’s offer. The letter reminded Hunter’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, that the deposition would occur in a deposition setting, just like it has been done in previous Congresses. So, sorry Hunter, no special treatment for you.

But that’s not all. The letter also responded to Lowell’s baseless and misleading assertions. Lowell suggested that the committees have no valid legislative purpose for the subpoenas, which is just plain wrong. The Supreme Court has recognized the power of these investigations, and it’s clear that the purpose is to determine if there are grounds for impeachment against President Joe Biden. Impeachment is no joke, and it’s time for the truth to come out.

Lowell also claimed that there is no evidence to support a finding that Hunter’s business dealings implicate the official actions of his father. Well, that’s just not true. The investigation has already established that Hunter sold the Biden “brand” and involved his father in business meetings with foreign partners. There are even records from an FBI confidential human source detailing a bribery scheme involving President Biden. The evidence is there, whether Lowell likes it or not.

Comer and Jordan didn’t stop there. They called out Lowell’s coordinated campaign to discredit the allegations against Hunter and attack the integrity of witnesses. They won’t stand for it. They also made it clear that Hunter’s attempt to avoid a deposition and demand a public hearing is not going to fly. The subpoenas he received require him to appear for a deposition, and he can’t dictate how the committees conduct their investigation. It’s about time someone put Hunter in his place.

And just to sweeten the deal, Comer and Jordan informed Lowell that the deposition will be videotaped and the transcript will be released soon after. So, Hunter won’t be able to hide from his actions any longer. It’s time for the truth to come out, and it’s clear that Comer and Jordan won’t let Hunter get away with his stunts.

Meanwhile, the White House is doing everything it can to stonewall the investigations. Despite their laughable claims of cooperation, Chairman Comer revealed that his panel has only received 14 out of about 82,000 pages of Biden’s vice presidential emails. And they’re not getting the cooperation they’ve requested from current and former officials. It’s just more evidence of the Biden administration’s lack of transparency.

It’s time for the American people to see the truth. Hunter Biden may think he can avoid accountability, but Chairman Comer and Chairman Jordan are determined to get to the bottom of this. Let the videotaped deposition begin!

Written by Staff Reports

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