
Hunter Biden Federal Firearm Charges Trial Begins Jury Selection Underway

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is currently facing charges related to federal firearm offenses. The charges include deceiving a federally licensed firearms dealer, lying on a federal background check form to illegally buy a gun, and unlawfully possessing a firearm. If found guilty, he could face a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison.

The trial began with the selection of jurors, a process that will take several days to complete. The jury pool consists of about 250 people, from which a final jury of 12 and four alternates will be chosen. The trial is expected to last until mid-June, with the potential for jury deliberations to extend the timeline.

Due to space constraints in the courtroom, the press and the public are not allowed to witness the initial questioning of potential jurors. However, they will be permitted to observe the subsequent questioning and the selection process.

Prospective jurors will be asked a series of questions, including whether they have formed any opinions about the case from the media, whether they have any connections to the Biden family, and their views on firearm ownership and addiction. These questions will help ensure the selection of an impartial jury.

In response to the proposed questions, Hunter Biden’s defense team has requested that the term “knowingly” be added to certain questions related to his charges of making false statements in connection with the firearm purchase. They argue that Hunter Biden did not knowingly lie on the background check form and did not understand the terms related to addiction at the time.

Additionally, Hunter Biden’s legal team has asserted that he is being unfairly targeted due to his father’s status as President, while critics argue that he may be receiving preferential treatment because of his father. These circumstances may potentially impact the jury selection process.

Ultimately, Judge Maryellen Noreika will have the final say on the questions to be asked to potential jurors.

Written by Staff Reports

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