
Hunter Biden in Hot Water: Congress Poised to Dig Into Shocking Leads!

After hours of testimony from two IRS whistleblowers, Congress now has multiple leads to follow in their investigation of Hunter Biden’s business dealings and the actions of the Justice Department. Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, two top IRS agents who worked on the Hunter Biden investigation, shed light on the potential obstruction of justice by the Justice Department in preventing Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss from building a strong case against Hunter Biden for alleged financial crimes. This new information has given House Republicans a clearer direction in their investigation.

The whistleblowers presented new names, documents, and timelines that could be important in building a case against Hunter Biden. Lawmakers are eagerly awaiting the documents that the whistleblowers have promised to provide, as they could provide crucial evidence to support their allegations. Additionally, with the potential finalization of Hunter Biden’s plea deal next week, Congress may face fewer obstacles in obtaining information from the Justice Department. This plea deal could mark the end of the criminal investigation, allowing Congress to request documents and witness testimonies without the claim of an ongoing investigation.

While the whistleblower disclosures have advanced the case, they have also opened up new lines of inquiry for congressional investigators. One key figure that emerged from the testimony is Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, who is alleged to have obstructed the investigation by tipping off Hunter Biden’s lawyers and preventing questions about evidence implicating President Joe Biden. Congress has requested an interview with Wolf, but there has been no indication of her willingness to testify.

Another important lead is a follow-up interview with Rob Walker, a close associate of Hunter Biden. In an interview that was heavily restricted by Wolf’s instructions, Walker acknowledged a message about “holding money for the big guy,” presumed to be Joe Biden. Congress may seek to conduct their own interview with Walker to uncover more information. They also want to speak with other Hunter Biden associates, such as Devon Archer, who worked closely with Hunter Biden in Ukraine and on other foreign business deals.

Two U.S. attorneys appointed by Joe Biden, E. Martin Estrada and Matthew Graves, have contradicted some of the claims made by Weiss about the investigation. This raises questions about the decisions made by prosecutors and the scope of Weiss’s authority. House Republicans are eager to speak with both attorneys to understand the interactions between their offices and the Delaware prosecutors.

Additionally, the whistleblowers provided WhatsApp messages between Hunter Biden and Chinese businessmen, where they discussed using Joe Biden’s political influence for a business deal. These messages were not thoroughly investigated, raising concerns about the Justice Department’s treatment of evidence. Congress is likely to delve into the circumstances surrounding these messages and why they were not given as much attention as similar evidence in investigations involving Donald Trump’s associates.

Finally, the whistleblowers mentioned the possibility of Hunter Biden receiving income in the form of diamonds in 2015 and potentially in other years. Tracking this unconventional income is crucial for determining Hunter Biden’s tax liability and understanding the nature of his business deals. The whereabouts of a diamond gifted to Hunter Biden by the chairman of CEFC, a Chinese energy company, are still unknown, adding another intriguing aspect to the investigation.

Overall, the testimony from the IRS whistleblowers has provided Congress with valuable leads and information to further investigate Hunter Biden’s business dealings and the actions of the Justice Department. The potential obstruction of justice, contradictory statements by U.S. attorneys, unexplored evidence, and unconventional income sources all warrant thorough investigation. It is crucial to uncover the truth and ensure justice is served.

Written by Staff Reports

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