
Hunter Biden Probe Exposed: DOJ Deviations Laid Bare in 78-Page Report!

In a stunning development, the House Judiciary, Ways and Means, and Oversight Committees have released a scathing 78-page staff report on the Justice Department’s “deviations” in the five-year investigation into Hunter Biden. This report reveals blatant political interference and raises serious questions about the integrity of the probe.

The report, which will be reviewed by lawmakers, could pave the way for a formalized impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. The findings outlined in the report are deeply troubling and paint a picture of a Justice Department that was more interested in protecting the Bidens than in upholding the rule of law.

One of the key findings of the report is that the Justice Department twice prevented U.S. Attorney David Weiss from bringing stronger charges against Hunter Biden. This is a clear example of political interference and raises serious doubts about the department’s commitment to impartiality.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s refusal to name a special counsel in the tax investigation is another serious cause for concern. By not appointing a special counsel, Garland missed an opportunity to provide a degree of separation between President Biden and his Justice Department. This raises questions about whether the department was more interested in protecting the president than in conducting a fair and independent investigation.

The report also reveals that Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf actively limited the scope of the investigation. Wolf refused to allow investigators to ask about Joe Biden’s involvement, despite evidence suggesting his participation. This raises serious questions about the thoroughness and integrity of the probe.

Perhaps the most shocking revelation in the report is that Hunter Biden demanded to be paid by a Chinese businessman linked to the Chinese Communist Party while Joe Biden was present in the same room. This raises serious concerns about potential conflicts of interest and suggests that Joe Biden may have been aware of, or even involved in, his son’s questionable dealings.

It’s clear from this report that there were serious deviations from standard investigative practices and that the Justice Department failed to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into Hunter Biden. It is imperative that lawmakers thoroughly review the report and take appropriate action to hold those responsible accountable. The American people deserve to know the truth and have confidence in the integrity of their government.

This report raises serious questions about the Justice Department’s handling of the Hunter Biden investigation. It is clear that there were significant deviations from standard investigative practices and that political interference played a role in limiting the scope of the probe. These findings are deeply troubling and warrant further investigation. It is essential that Congress take swift action to hold those responsible accountable and ensure that the rule of law is upheld. The American people deserve nothing less.

Written by Staff Reports

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