
Hunter Biden Prosecutor Ducks Questions — GOP Drops Subpoena Hammer!

House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Jim Jordan (R-OH), took a big swing at Dick Durbin’s (R-IL) favorite punching bag, Hunter Biden, during a recent closed-door congressional interview with prosecutor Lesley Wolf. According to Jordan, Wolf, who played a pivotal role in the Department of Justice’s case against the infamous first son, clammed up when bombarded with questions by the Republican-led committee.

Wolf, a former assistant U.S. attorney in Delaware, stonewalled the lawmakers and “refused to answer … just about every question,” leaving Jordan and the rest of the committee in the dark about her shady dealings. This spring, two IRS investigators dropped a bombshell, testifying that Wolf obstructed their efforts and was even caught tipping off Biden’s defense team about a search warrant. Talk about playing for the wrong team!

The plot thickened when transcripts of scathing interviews with the whistleblowers went public, revealing a saga of frustration and shady dealings, all pointing fingers at Wolf and her crew. But the drama doesn’t end there! Court records spilled the beans on Wolf cozying up to Biden’s defense team, trying to cook up a sweet deal that would let the first son off scot-free. Who knew prosecutors were in the business of cutting deals with the accused?

The story takes another turn when it’s revealed that Wolf tiptoed away from the case when things got too hot, and another attorney, Leo Wise, stepped up to the plate. Coincidence? We think not! And just when you thought things couldn’t get any juicier, Wolf hits the eject button and resigns from the DOJ. Was she fleeing the scene of the crime or trying to dodge the incoming flak?

Despite her impending departure, Republicans dropped a subpoena bomb on Wolf, and she reluctantly shuffled into the congressional hot seat. But even with her personal lawyer in tow, she danced around the questions, citing instructions from the DOJ. Jordan, visibly miffed, hinted that they may need to have a round two with Wolf. If at first, you don’t succeed, right?

Weiss, the U.S. attorney turned special counsel, came to Wolf’s defense, batting his eyelashes and claiming she’s as pure as the driven snow. But with lawmakers smelling a rat, it seems like this saga is far from over. Will Wolf’s howling in the congressional spotlight lead to a full moon confession? Only time will tell, folks! Keep your popcorn at the ready; the drama is just getting started on Capitol Hill!

Written by Staff Reports

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