
Hunter Biden Scandal Unravels: Libs Can’t Hide the Truth Anymore!

The liberal left’s attempts to dismiss the Hunter Biden scandal have fallen flat on their faces, and it’s absolutely delightful to witness. These self-righteous individuals thought they were invincible, but they’ve been effortlessly knocked off their pedestal, tumbling down into a pit of their own making.

The failed sweetheart plea deal is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Hunter Biden’s troubles. Thanks to the courageous whistleblowers, IRS agents Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley, the Department of Justice couldn’t sweep this under the rug. Their brave actions forced the Democrats to acknowledge the seriousness of the allegations against the president’s son, resulting in the demise of the plea deal.

Now, Hunter Biden is headed for trial, although he managed to evade some of the more severe charges due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. But let’s not give US Attorney David Weiss a free pass here. This man tried to charge Hunter not once, but twice, only to be blocked. His appointment as the special counsel investigating the Biden saga reeks of a desperate attempt to stonewall any real accountability. It’s clear that Weiss is a compromised figure in this rigged effort.

It’s no wonder that half the country sees this special counsel probe as a whitewash. Democrats are running scared, with Hunter Biden’s legal team even threatening to put Joe Biden himself on the stand if the DOJ didn’t find a corrupt way to let him off the hook. The New York Times, which has long downplayed the Hunter Biden scandal, has now published an internal account of the investigation, shedding light on the turmoil within the Justice Department.

Attorney General Merrick Garland claimed that no political pressure would influence the investigation, but it’s hard to believe that when the Biden team explicitly raised the potential embarrassment for the president if his son faced serious charges. The DOJ allowed major crimes to pass under the statute of limitations, conveniently protecting Hunter Biden from facing the consequences of his shady dealings.

And let’s not forget the dubious appointment of David Weiss as the special counsel. Despite regulations stipulating that an independent person from outside the DOJ should be appointed, Garland chose Weiss, a man already embroiled in controversy. This decision has only deepened the doubt and lack of trust surrounding the Hunter Biden investigation. According to an ABC News/Ipsos poll, almost half of Americans believe the DOJ will handle this case in a biased and unfair manner.

The theater of the absurd continues to unfold, and the joke is certainly on the Democrats. We conservatives have been vindicated once again. Remember when that laptop surfaced in October 2020? It wasn’t a figment of our imaginations or mere political beliefs. The evidence was right there, for anyone with an open mind to see. The truth will always prevail, no matter how hard the liberals try to suppress it.

Written by Staff Reports

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