
Hunter Biden Tax Evasion Scandal: Will Daddy Biden Save Him?

This week, Hunter Biden, the trouble-making son of President Joe Biden, found himself in hot water once again. The scoundrel was hit with a whopping nine criminal charges for not paying his taxes in California. And to top it all off, he’s facing some serious allegations of federal firearms charges in Delaware for breaking laws against drug users having guns in 2018. What a mess!

What’s even more scandalous is the incredible amount of cash Hunter spent on his vices instead of coughing up his fair share to the taxman. I’m talking hundreds of thousands of dollars on booze, “adult entertainment,” and luxurious living. The guy really knows how to live it up on the public’s dime!

But wait, it gets even juicier! The indictment spills the details on how Hunter put three women he had “romantic or sexual relationships” with and another woman related to one of the three on his business payroll. He even had the audacity to give them healthcare benefits! And all this while he was fully aware that the wages totaled $86,000 were shady business deductions.

The real kicker here is that while Hunter’s getting himself deeper and deeper into trouble, Daddy Biden’s approval ratings are taking a nosedive. With a pitiful 41 percent approval, it’s no wonder the man’s looking like a sinking ship. Looks like the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree in this case!

As for the big question on everyone’s mind – will President Biden bail his corrupt son out of this mess? Well, the White House Press Secretary tried to play it cool, but we all know the family ties run deep. No doubt, the President’s mushy love for his no-good son will lead him to pull some strings to protect him. Let’s see how this whole drama unfolds!

Written by Staff Reports

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