
Hunter Biden Tied to Scheme Helping Burisma Evade Criminal Probe

A recent report reveals that Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, was involved in a scheme where a U.S. law firm he worked for created a 58-page plan to help Burisma, an energy company in Ukraine, avoid a criminal investigation. This plan included efforts to influence the Biden administration in Washington. The FBI uncovered this information in 2016 during an investigation into securities fraud involving Hunter Biden’s business associates. These records are now in the hands of Congress.

The memo, drafted in June 2014 by Boies Schiller & Flexner, detailed strategies to pressure U.S. officials to intervene in the investigation against Burisma, where Hunter Biden served on the board. The plan aimed to protect Burisma’s interests by seeking advice and assistance from Washington. At the time, Joe Biden was Vice President and in charge of U.S.-Ukraine policy.


The memo highlighted the legal risks that Burisma faced due to the ongoing criminal investigation in Ukraine. Despite claims that Burisma was not under scrutiny when Joe Biden pushed for the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor, evidence suggests otherwise. Emails from Hunter Biden’s associates reveal knowledge of the investigation and efforts to close cases against Burisma’s founder.

The report also implicates other parties, such as FTI Consulting, Burisma lobbyist David Leiter, and Democratic firm Blue Star Strategies, in attempts to influence U.S. officials on behalf of Burisma. This raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and misuse of influence. The fact that Hunter Biden leveraged his position to secure a retainer agreement for the law firm adds to these suspicions.

As conservative observers, it is critical to ensure transparency and accountability in government dealings. The revelations surrounding Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma highlight the need for thorough investigations into potential corruption and abuse of power. The American people deserve to know the truth behind these questionable actions and hold those involved accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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