
Hunter Biden’s 9-Count Indictment Nightmare: Dems Admit Bidens on Thin Ice

In an incredibly shocking turn of events, Hunter Biden, the trouble-ridden son of President Joe Biden, is facing nine new indictment charges. Even Democrats, who usually turn a blind eye to any wrongdoing from their own, are being forced to admit that this is bad news for President Biden’s re-election chances. Senator Chris Murphy finally had to swallow his words and acknowledge that the charges against Hunter Biden are “legally justified.” It’s about time!

Murphy went even further by calling Hunter Biden a “troubled individual” who has done things that are “worthy of prosecution.” Wow, it takes a lot for a Democrat to admit something like that. But don’t worry, folks, Murphy quickly reassured everyone that Hunter Biden won’t be on the ballot in November, but rather his dear ole dad. So, I guess we’re supposed to forget about the fact that the president’s son is racking up felonies and misdemeanors like it’s a hobby?

Let’s talk about these charges for a moment. Hunter Biden is not just facing a few minor infractions. No, no! He’s been hit with nine tax charges, including three felonies. That’s right, felonies! It’s like he’s trying to set a record for tax-related crimes. And if that wasn’t enough, he’s also facing some failed plea deal over firearm charges. I mean, why not add firearms into the mix, right? Who needs to play by the rules when you’re a Biden?

But here’s where it gets really interesting. Multiple polls are showing that Hunter Biden’s criminal activities are indeed impacting his father’s chances of re-election. According to an Associated Press-NORC Research Center survey, a whopping 63 percent of likely voters believe that Biden’s handling of his son’s foreign business dealings is unethical or illegal. That’s a lot of people who aren’t buying into the Biden family’s excuses.

Harvard’s Center for American Political Studies, Harris X, and The Harris Poll also conducted a survey, and it found that 60 percent of respondents believe Biden “helped and participated in Hunter Biden’s business.” It’s not looking good for the Biden clan, folks. The American public sees through their attempts to distance themselves from Hunter’s shady dealings.

When questioned about whether Hunter Biden profited off his father’s name, Murphy went into defensive mode. Instead of addressing the issue at hand, he started deflecting and talking about the Trump family’s business dealings. Typical Democrat move, right? When caught in a tough spot, blame Trump!

But let’s set the record straight here. Nobody asked about the Trump family. We’re talking about the Biden’s, Senator Murphy. It’s time to answer for their actions. Murphy did admit that Hunter Biden will be held accountable in court, but then he quickly veered off course and started bashing Trump again. It’s like they’re allergic to taking responsibility for their own actions.

On a final note, Murphy decided to boast about Biden’s economic policies, despite the fact that they’re getting record-low approval ratings. I don’t know about you, but I find it hard to trust someone’s economic policies when their own son can’t even pay his taxes. Maybe it’s time for the Biden family to get their own house in order before they start telling the rest of us how to run our lives.

It’s clear as day that Hunter Biden’s criminal activities are not just a stain on his own reputation, but they’re also tarnishing his father’s chances of staying in the White House. The American people are tired of the corruption and lack of accountability. They deserve better. They deserve leaders who will put their country first, not their family’s personal gain. Let’s hope they remember that when they head to the polls.

Written by Staff Reports

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