
Hunter Biden’s Art Deal: Dodging Dad Duties?

Last week, Fox News reported that Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, had come to an agreement with Lunden Alexis Roberts, the mother of his out-of-wedlock child. The details of the agreement are quite interesting, to say the least. Apparently, Roberts will receive a mysterious number of Biden’s paintings. Yes, you heard that right, paintings. Who knew Hunter had such artistic talent? Maybe he should consider a career change to the art world.

But that’s not all. The agreement also allows Hunter Biden to effectively disown his daughter. That’s right, he can wash his hands clean of any responsibility. It’s truly remarkable how far someone will go to shirk their duties as a father. I mean, who needs to take care of their own child when there are paintings to be sold?

And speaking of the paintings, the proceeds from their sales will go directly to Roberts. So not only does she get the pleasure of having Hunter’s masterpieces, but now she can also cash in on them. It’s like winning the lottery, except with questionable artwork.

But perhaps the most shocking part of this story is the fact that President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden refuse to acknowledge Hunter’s daughter as their granddaughter. Even the pets in the Biden family got Christmas stockings, but poor Navy Joan was left out. It’s a heart-wrenching scene straight out of a Hallmark movie, except this is real life.

George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley wrote an op-ed piece for Fox News, expressing his outrage at the Bidens’ treatment of Navy Joan. He called it a “monstrosity” and criticized Hunter Biden for fighting against his own daughter’s right to use the Biden name. Turley even brought up Hunter’s past scandals, claiming that they pale in comparison to his treatment of this little girl.

It’s hard to imagine the pain and confusion that Navy Joan will feel when she grows up and learns how her own family erased any trace of her existence. And all this while her father is fighting to reduce his child support payments. It’s quite astonishing how Hunter can campaign against deadbeat dads while simultaneously embodying the very essence of one.

In conclusion, this whole situation is nothing short of a tragedy. It’s a disgraceful display of personal irresponsibility and a complete disregard for the well-being of a child. The Bidens should be ashamed of themselves for their treatment of Navy Joan, and Hunter Biden should take a long hard look in the mirror and reassess his priorities. But hey, at least we now know that he’s a budding artist. Maybe he can paint himself a better reputation.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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