
Hunter Biden’s Crack Pipe Drama Exposes Our Double-Standard Justice System!

In a scandalous revelation, the infamous laptop of Hunter Biden has resurfaced with even more damning evidence, shedding light on the protective measures taken by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to shield him from the consequences of his actions. The president’s degenerate son, who recently made headlines by refusing to let his daughter bear his last name, can be seen in these latest leaks smoking crack while driving through a residential neighborhood and speeding at a mind-boggling 172mph on his way to a wild Las Vegas spree (The New York Post).

The newly released photos and videos from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop reveal shocking events that took place in 2018. In one instance, the 53-year-old is captured on film, seemingly indulging in crack cocaine while maneuvering a vehicle through the streets of Arlington, Virginia, on June 12, 2018. Another photo displays the speedometer of a Porsche, reaching a jaw-dropping 172mph, which Hunter claims he was driving on his way to Las Vegas just two months later. Not only did his actions blatantly break the law, including federal drug trafficking laws and numerous felony traffic violations, but they also posed a significant danger to innocent bystanders.

The glaring question remains: Why was Hunter Biden able to flaunt his lawlessness without facing any consequences? The answer lies in the fact that the FBI had all this incriminating evidence in their possession since 2019, well within the timeframe to pursue federal drug charges. Astonishingly, they chose to stay silent and take no action. Moreover, it appears they also did not share this vital information with local authorities who could have pursued charges against Hunter Biden. This begs the question of whether ordinary citizens would receive the same preferential treatment or face swift legal actions in such situations.

Hunter Biden’s alleged criminal activities are far-reaching, overshadowing his lesser offenses of failing to disclose foreign agent activities and engaging in tax fraud. While these offenses may seem small in comparison, they would be treated as grave crimes for any average American. However, being well-connected in the right political circles ensures that not only will the DOJ turn a blind eye, but they will also drag out investigations for an indefinite period to ensure no one can intervene, be it local authorities or even the US Congress. This is the harsh reality of the two-tiered justice system that plagues our great nation.

The time has come for Americans to question why the elite and well-connected receive preferential treatment while ordinary citizens are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. True justice should be blind to political affiliations and personal connections. It is high time that the DOJ is held accountable for their actions, and we demand a fair and equal justice system that upholds the rule of law for all. Hunter Biden’s deplorable actions should not be brushed aside, and it is our duty to ensure that justice is served equally to all, regardless of their last name or political ties.

Source: RedState

Written by Staff Reports

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