
Hunter Biden’s Legal Troubles Heat Up in California Showdown

It’s time to grab your popcorn and pull up a seat because it looks like President Biden’s son, Hunter, is back in the hot seat with some new criminal charges coming his way. According to reports, this is the second time Hunter has found himself facing charges since his old man took office. The details of these charges are as clear as mud, but it looks like the legal drama is going down in California, of all places.

Now, it seems that special counsel David Weiss, who’s the U.S. attorney for Delaware, tried to cut a deal with Hunter over the summer. The deal was spicy, too – it involved Hunter copping to a couple of misdemeanors for failing to pay taxes for a couple of years and getting into a pretrial diversion agreement to dodge a felony gun charge. But hold onto your hats, because the judge rained on that parade, saying the deal had some sketchy bits that could keep Hunter from facing future charges.

Weiss then pulled a fast one and asked Attorney General Merrick Garland for special counsel status, which lets him prosecute Hunter more independently and bring charges in any district he pleases. Surprise, surprise – Garland said yes to this request faster than you can say “government bureaucracy.”

Things really heated up when Weiss decided to dust off the gun issue and fling three felony charges at Hunter in September for allegedly buying a gun illegally back in 2018. Hunter’s pleaded not guilty to those charges, but those tax charges? They’re taking center stage.

It turns out that this whole mess started as a deep dive into Hunter’s business dealings about five years ago, and it quickly morphed into an investigation into possible tax shenanigans. Two IRS sleuths even spilled the tea to Congress, saying that they wanted to slap Hunter with several tax-related felonies and misdemeanors from 2014 through 2019.

The cherry on top? They also mentioned that violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act were in play. Republicans are throwing some major side-eye at the Department of Justice, accusing them of playing favorites and holding back on bringing all the charges they wanted to throw at Hunter. They’ve even been talking about starting up an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, claiming he pulled some strings to protect his son’s back when he was veep.

The Republicans are itching to slap Joe with an abuse of power charge if they can prove he let the DOJ block the Hunter investigation. Weiss hasn’t spilled the beans on this latest Hunter development, so stay tuned for more juicy details.

Written by Staff Reports

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