
Hunter Biden’s Mess Could Force Dad to Testify: How Far Will Joe Go to Save His Son?

Hunter Biden’s legal defense team has just unleashed a threat to back President Joe Biden into a corner and force him to testify against his very own Department of Justice. Can you believe it? They are so desperate to save Hunter from facing any consequences for his alleged crimes that they are willing to drag the president into the mess.

In a lengthy letter, Biden’s lawyer, Chris Clark, warned prosecutors that if his corrupt son were to face criminal charges, the president would have no choice but to take the stand as a witness for the defense. Talk about throwing your own father under the bus! It’s almost as if they expect Joe Biden to protect his son at all costs, even if it means testifying against his own Department of Justice.

And what are these criminal charges, you may ask? Well, it seems that Hunter Biden is believed to have falsely claimed that he was not an avid drug user when purchasing a firearm. This is a serious offense, but it comes as no surprise given Hunter’s troubled past. I mean, he even admitted in his own book that he struggled with drug addiction. It’s clear that he has no respect for the law or the consequences of his actions.

But here’s the kicker: Hunter’s legal team is using the prospect of the president’s testimony to try and avoid prosecution. They claim that it would create a “constitutional crisis” if Joe Biden were forced to testify against his own DOJ. Give me a break! It’s just a desperate attempt to shield Hunter from facing the consequences of his alleged crimes. They are trying to manipulate the legal system and use the president’s position to their advantage.

Thankfully, there are some in the administration who are not willing to let this slide. Last week, Attorney General Merrick Garland was forced to grant special counsel authority to U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who will be leading the investigations into Hunter Biden. It’s about time someone took these allegations seriously and conducted a thorough investigation.

But let’s not forget the bigger picture here. This is just another example of the corruption and nepotism that seems to follow the Biden family wherever they go. It’s a disgrace that the president’s own son is involved in such shady dealings, and it’s even more concerning that his legal team is willing to exploit their relationship to protect him. The American people deserve better than this.

It’s time for Hunter Biden to be held accountable for his actions, just like any other American citizen would be. No one should be above the law, especially not the son of the president. And let’s hope that the investigations led by U.S. Attorney David Weiss will finally uncover the truth and bring justice to those who deserve it. The American people deserve transparency and honesty from their leaders, and it’s about time we got it.

Written by Staff Reports

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