
Hunter Biden’s Shady Ukraine Links: Backs Firm Tied to Prosecutors

Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, suggested a lobbying company with some scary ties to the Ukrainian prosecutor who took over from the one his father helped get rid of. This is a shocking discovery. Emails from the State Department and other damning proof show just how bad Hunter Biden's business with Burisma Holdings was.

Blue Star Strategies, the lobbying company in question, even tried to get in touch with George Kent, a State Department official who testified in President Trump's first impeachment trial over the Ukraine scandal. Kent was a witness in that trial. Kent said that Blue Star Strategies had gotten in touch with him in September 2016 to talk about Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko's cancelled plans to visit Washington, a trip that it seems the company had set up.

Kent said, "The topic was Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko and his plans to come to Washington, which have since been cancelled. Blue Star had been arranging this trip." Lutsenko said he didn't know anything about the strange people who met him in Kyiv in July and promised access to high levels of the Clinton campaign. This made things even more mysterious. It was clear that Blue Star had deep roots in the political world.

Even though Hunter Biden liked the lobbying company, Blue Star Strategies was still able to get two meetings for Burisma with State Department officials. They were paid a lot of money to explain why the company was facing bad legal problems in both the UK and Ukraine because of corruption charges. Let's not forget that as a board member of Burisma, Hunter Biden himself was making a mind-boggling $80,000 a month.

In an email that was later found, Hunter Biden said that he trusted Blue Star Strategies and told his boss at Burisma to "go ahead and sign." This new information raises red flags about Hunter Biden's morals and his ties to this mysterious company. We have to ask, what exactly did Blue Star Strategies do to deserve Hunter Biden's praise?

To add to the mystery regarding this lobbying firm, Blue Star Strategies is being looked into by the Department of Justice for foreign lobbying that was not made public. But when we find out that the investigation moved suspiciously slowly, it makes us wonder why. The fact that the search warrant came out right before the general election in November says that the process could be made political.

These new facts show that Hunter Biden and his questionable connections were part of a disturbing trend. Joe Biden helped get rid of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, which was a good thing because it led to charges and investigations against Burisma being dropped. The people of the United States need answers. Was Hunter Biden trying to use his father's power to help himself? And why was such an important job given to a lobbying company with ties to the prosecutor in Ukraine?

We have to make sure that the Biden family is held responsible for their questionable deeds. Transparency and the lack of political favouritism are the most important parts of our system. The people of the United States deserve leaders who follow the highest ethical standards and don't do business with foreign organisations in secret. The truth must be found out, and then there must be penalties.

Written by Staff Reports

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