
Hunter Biden’s Upcoming Trial Raises Corruption Concerns for Biden Administration

Next week, Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is going to trial for gun charges. The think’s from Hunter’s laptop have caused some concerns about corruption. President Biden and his administration’s actions have raised further worries about corruption. Last Thursday, Biden had a dinner with the President of Kenya, and Hunter and Attorney General Merrick Garland, who is investigating Hunter, were also in attendance. They were also spotted together at a Rose Garden event in May, and at a state dinner last June. Joe Biden also met with Hallie Biden, who will be a witness in Hunter’s trial. Many people criticized NBC News’ Gary Grumbach for pointing out that Hallie Biden is a witness in the upcoming trial. This meeting has raised concerns about potential witness tampering.

Bonchie at RedState mentioned how it would be a scandal if Donald Trump met with a witness testifying against his son in a trial, and noted that even if Beau Biden qualified for Memorial Day, it would still be suspicious for Joe Biden to have contact with a witness testifying against his other son. The entire situation raises concerns about corruption, especially considering the previous concerns about the sweetheart plea deal and the situation with the IRS whistleblowers. It seems like the Biden family’s interactions with people involved in Hunter’s trial are not looking good.

Written by Staff Reports

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