
Hunter’s $2M Pay-for-Power Plot Exposed: Shocking New Emails Unearthed!

The Biden family saga continues! We all remember Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop from hell, filled to the brim with scandalous emails, photos, and who knows what else. It was like peering into a twisted reality show about the troubled and wild life of the son of Joe Biden, the Senator-turned-VP-turned-President. But hold on to your hats, folks, because there are even more shocking revelations coming to light!

New emails, not even obtained from Hunter’s laptop, have now been reported by Insider, and they paint a picture of a lucrative pay-for-power scheme orchestrated by none other than the First Kid himself. These two previously unreported emails, sent by Hunter’s business contacts, show just how shamelessly he used his proximity and access to his dad, then-VP Biden, to line his own pockets.

In the first email dated January 28, 2015, a Democratic donor named Sam Jauhari reached out to Sheikh Mohammed al-Rahbani, another Obama campaign donor, to discuss a scheme Hunter had cooked up. Hunter was asking for a cool $2 million annually as a retainer fee to help recover frozen Libyan assets. And what were his qualifications, you ask? Well, he boasted about being the Chairman of the UN World Food Program, the son of the #2 guy in the country, and having access to top-level officials in China. Impressive, right? But wait, there’s more! He also mentioned his history of drug addiction, being kicked out of the U.S. Army for cocaine use, and his penchant for chasing low-class hookers. How charming!

Oh, but don’t worry, the discussions didn’t end there. In a second email dated February 26, 2016, it seems the talks with Hunter continued into the following year. This time, a Washington lawyer named John Sandweg provided a report to Jauhari and al-Rahbani. The report emphasized that Hunter’s team wanted only a small group of individuals they had a close relationship with to be involved in the project. It’s all about those “sensitivities,” you know?

Now, according to Insider’s report, it seems that the Libya deal never actually went through. But that’s not the point here. The real takeaway is the transparency these emails offer into the frightening world of Beltway influence peddling. It’s truly remarkable how much stock was put in Hunter Biden’s political connections, particularly his relationship with his father, who happened to be the vice president at the time.

Honestly, is there anyone, anywhere in the world that Hunter wouldn’t try to exploit for a quick buck? The answer, my friends, seems to be a resounding no. It’s like he had a never-ending appetite for cash and was willing to use his family name to get it. What a guy!

As Americans, we deserve better than this. We deserve leaders who are honest, transparent, and actually care about the well-being of the country, not their own personal gain. Perhaps it’s time to reevaluate the people we put in power and demand accountability from the entire Biden family. The truth must come out, no matter how uncomfortable it might be. The American people deserve the whole story, warts and all.

Written by Staff Reports

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