
Hunter’s Art Cash In: Donors Drop Millions on Biden Jr’s Sketchy Sales

In the latest bombshell story on the Biden family, Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has raked in over $1.5 million in art sales, thanks to the generosity of two big-time Biden donors. The first son’s former art dealer spilled the beans to House investigators, revealing that the bulk of the sales came from just two buyers, who also happen to be prominent Democratic supporters.

One buyer, Elizabeth Naftali, shelled out nearly $100,000 on two pieces of Hunter Biden’s artwork. Interestingly enough, she made her first purchase just weeks after Joe Biden was sworn in as president and was swiftly appointed to a cushy position on a prestigious panel by Biden himself. Then there’s Kevin Morris, an entertainment lawyer who dropped a whopping $875,000 on Hunter Biden’s art, with most of the transaction conveniently happening over the phone.

These two big spenders are no strangers to the Biden family, as they each coughed up thousands to help get Joe Biden elected in 2020. It’s as if buying expensive art from the president’s son is their way of saying “thanks for the favor.”

And it doesn’t end there! Hunter’s art dealer spilled the tea that Morris not only bought a bunch of artwork but also lent Hunter nearly $5 million in 2020 to help him out of his alleged tax trouble. Talk about a bailout! It’s starting to seem like Hunter’s art career is more about political favors and covering up financial messes than actual talent.

But wait, there’s more! Hunter Biden’s art dealer revealed that he had to juggle two contracts with Hunter, one allowing the artist to know the identities of his buyers and another insisting on buyer anonymity. This flip-flopping raises serious questions about the murky business dealings surrounding Hunter Biden’s art sales.

And as if that’s not fishy enough, Hunter Biden somehow found out the identities of three of his art buyers, even though the White House swore up and down that safeguards were in place to keep buyer identities secret. It seems like everyone was playing fast and loose with the rules to keep the first son’s art sales afloat.

The revelations from Hunter Biden’s art dealer are shedding light on a tangled web of political favoritism, financial bailouts, and shady art deals. It’s becoming increasingly clear that Hunter Biden’s art sales are more about political connections and family handouts than the actual value of his artwork. The Biden family’s latest scandal is painting a picture of corruption and influence-peddling at the highest levels of government.

Written by Staff Reports

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