
Hunter’s Art Scandal: Dems’ Cash for Masterpieces & White House Favors Exposed!

The House Oversight Committee has just dropped a bombshell that shatters President Biden’s claims about keeping a “wall” between his administration and his son’s shady business dealings. Prepare yourselves, folks, because it’s time for another episode of “The Biden Family Chronicles: Art Edition.”

Georges Bergès, the art gallerist representing Hunter Biden, spilled the beans during his interview with the committee. And boy, oh boy, did he spill. Turns out, a whopping 70 percent of Hunter’s art purchases came from none other than wealthy Democrat donors. Wow, what a shocker! Who would have ever guessed that the same party funding Daddy Biden’s campaign would also be funding his son’s career as an artist?

Now, Bergès explained that normally gallerists don’t disclose the identities of art collectors to the artists. But Hunter, being the entitled son of the President, insisted on knowing who was buying his masterpieces. Classic Hunter move, right? Always trying to keep an eye on his lucrative deals. And guess what? Bergès spilled that tea too.

The art gallerist spilled the details about Kevin Morris, Hunter’s attorney and frequent visitor to the White House. Apparently, Morris scooped up most of Hunter’s artwork, worth a whopping $875,000, in January 2023. But get this, folks: Morris only paid Bergès a 40 percent commission! It looks like these Biden family members have quite the knack for finding ways to keep the money flowing directly into their pockets while leaving the rest of us suckers in the dust.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. Enter Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a Los Angeles-based real estate investor and philanthropist. Shortly after Daddy Biden became President, Naftali graciously dropped $42,000 on one of Hunter’s “masterpieces.” What a lucky guy! And surprise, surprise, Naftali is also a big-time Democrat donor. In fact, she donated a whopping $13,414 to Sleepy Joe’s campaign and a cool $29,700 to the Democratic National Campaign Committee in just 2023 alone. Talk about buying your way into the art world. Who needs talent when you have deep pockets and the right political connections?

And as if that wasn’t dubious enough, President Biden decided to reward Naftali by appointing her to the prestigious Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. It’s nice to see donors being recognized for their financial support, isn’t it? And to add another layer to this already messy art saga, Naftali went on to purchase another one of Hunter’s pieces valued at $52,000 in December 2022. It’s a good thing Biden’s presidency provides such lucrative opportunities for his family and their well-connected friends.

In a final twist, Georges Bergès spilled the tea on his personal relationship with President Biden. Yep, you heard it right. He had the honor of chatting with Biden on the phone and even meeting him in person. And to top it all off, he was invited to a wedding hosted by the Bidens at the White House in 2022. Talk about insider access, folks. It seems the Biden family believes in combining business with pleasure.

So, there you have it, folks. The House Oversight Committee has once again revealed the shady web of connections and money that surrounds the Biden family. While the President claims to have built a “wall” between his administration and his son’s business dealings, it’s clear that this wall is as imaginary as the “good old days” Joe keeps rambling on about. But hey, who needs ethics and transparency when you have wealthy Democrat donors, secret deals, and a knack for selling overpriced artwork? Keep up the good work, Biden family. We can’t wait to see what other surprises await us in the next episode of “The Biden Family Chronicles.” Stay tuned, conservatives!

Written by Staff Reports

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