
Hunter’s Art Scandal: White House Dodges Hard Questions

In a recent White House press briefing, Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy did what so many others in the mainstream media have failed to do: hold the Biden administration accountable. Doocy asked a simple question about Hunter Biden’s art sales and whether there have been any quid pro quos or perks given to the buyers. And what was the response from Karine Jean Pierre, the president’s chief spokesperson? She dodged the question, claiming it wasn’t her responsibility to answer. Well, sorry Karine, but it is the responsibility of the Biden White House to address these concerns.

But let’s talk about the art sales themselves. Hunter Biden, who has no artistic background or talent whatsoever, has somehow managed to sell his paintings for millions of dollars. That’s right, millions. And who are the buyers? Well, at least two of them have been identified, and surprise, surprise, one of them received a prestigious presidential appointment from the Biden administration. It seems like a pretty convenient coincidence, wouldn’t you say? But don’t worry, the White House insists that there are safeguards in place to prevent any influence peddling. Because we all know how effective those safeguards have been in the past.

The Biden family has made a business out of influence peddling. It’s their entire business model. Remember when Joe Biden promised there would be an “absolute wall” between his official duties and his family’s private business interests? Yeah, that turned out to be a load of baloney. And now we have Hunter Biden selling his art to anonymous buyers, except they’re not so anonymous after all. Hunter knows who they are, and one of them is his “sugar brother” lawyer who has given him millions of dollars in loans. Totally normal stuff happening here, right?

But here’s the real kicker. The White House wants us to believe that people are buying Hunter Biden’s paintings for five or six figures because he’s some sort of artistic genius. Yeah, right. We all know that’s not true. They’re buying his paintings because of his last name. They want access and influence, and they’re willing to pay top dollar for it. And yet, the White House expects us to believe that there’s no corruption involved. Give me a break.

So, Karine, it’s time for you to stop deflecting and start answering the tough questions. The American people deserve to know if there have been any quid pro quos or perks given to the buyers of Hunter Biden’s art. Your predecessor promised transparency and protection against corruption, but it seems like those promises have been broken. Will you be the one to admit it, or will you continue to hide behind “Hunter Biden’s representatives”? The choice is yours.

Written by Staff Reports

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