
Hunter’s Shady $250K Beijing Deal Tied to Joe’s Address

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is once again caught up in yet another scandal. This time, it involves shady wire transfers from Beijing totaling over $250,000, with Hunter listing his father’s Delaware home as the “beneficiary address.” Now, isn’t that convenient? It’s like Hunter wanted to make sure everyone knew who was really benefiting from these transactions. And surprise, surprise, it’s good ol’ Joe Biden himself!

The White House has been desperately trying to distance Joe Biden from his son’s questionable business dealings. They’ve been spouting off talking points about how the Bidens weren’t “in business” together. But the evidence keeps piling up, and it’s becoming harder and harder to ignore the truth. Joe Biden has repeatedly lied about his knowledge and involvement in his son’s lucrative ventures. Remember when he denied that Hunter had made money from China during a presidential debate? Well, turns out that was a bald-faced lie. Bank records show that Hunter and Joe’s brother Jim did indeed make millions from China, with some of the money allegedly set aside for the “Big Guy.” That’s Joe Biden, in case you didn’t catch that.

But wait, there’s more! It turns out that Hunter Biden didn’t just make a quick buck from China. He also arranged a meeting between a Chinese businessman and his father during a diplomatic trip in 2013. Talk about access to power! This opened the door to a lucrative business relationship that lasted for years, with the Chinese businessman continuing to send large sums of money to Hunter even in 2019. The Bidens’ “no evidence” defense is crumbling faster than a sandcastle at high tide.

Of course, there are those who will try to downplay the significance of Hunter listing Joe Biden’s address as the beneficiary address. They’ll say there’s no proof that Joe knew about it or that Hunter was living there. But if Hunter wasn’t living there, why on earth would he list that address? It’s clear that he spent a considerable amount of time at that location, which conveniently overlaps with Joe Biden’s own scandal involving classified documents. You know, the ones he unlawfully possessed and retained. But don’t worry, folks, it was just a “mistake.” I guess breaking the law is now excusable if you’re a Biden.

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting tired of all these scandals surrounding the Biden family. The family enrichment scandal, the alleged investigation interference/cover-up scandal, the classified materials scandal – it never ends! And let’s not forget the forgotten cocaine scandal when Hunter was conveniently staying at the White House. But don’t worry, Democrats will keep telling us that “character and decency are on the ballot” come the next election. Well, I’m sorry, but their narrative has expired, and it’s time for some real transparency and accountability. The American people deserve better than this circus.

Written by Staff Reports

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