
IDF Takes Over Hamas Citadel! Hostage Drama Unfolds at Al-Shifa Hospital!

Israeli forces made significant advances into Gaza City on Sunday, taking control of the neighborhoods of Sheikh Ijlin and Rimal. In their operation, the soldiers captured luxury homes belonging to Hamas terrorists, as well as important buildings such as parliament and police headquarters. These locations were found to contain numerous weapons and entrances to Hamas’ extensive tunnel network. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed that they discovered 35 tunnel shafts in the area, along with multiple weapon caches. The IDF’s 7th Armored Brigade and Golani Infantry Brigade also successfully seized control of Hamas’ parliament building, government complex, police headquarters, a university faculty building used to produce weapons, and a Hamas training base.

This latest advancement by Israeli forces proves once again that Hamas terrorists have been using civilian areas and infrastructure for their own malicious purposes. The IDF has continuously warned the world about Hamas’ cynical use of Gaza residents and hospitals as human shields. In fact, the IDF presented evidence showing that the Al-Shifa Hospital was utilized by Hamas as a base for military operations. CCTV footage exposed the shocking sight of armed men forcibly transporting hostages into the hospital. The hostages included a Nepalese civilian and a Thai civilian who had been kidnapped from Israeli territory. This is a clear violation of international law and further demonstrates the ruthless tactics employed by Hamas.

It is crucial to acknowledge the bravery and skill of the Israeli forces in their mission to dismantle Hamas’ infrastructure and protect innocent lives. They have exposed the truth behind Hamas’ despicable actions, shedding light on their use of civilian areas to launch attacks and hold hostages. Israel must continue to defend itself against these terrorist organizations that threaten its existence. The international community should support Israel’s efforts to ensure the safety and security of its citizens.

Written by Staff Reports

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