
Illegals Brag About Easy Entry – Biden’s Border Crisis Spirals Out Of Control

A group of joyous lawbreakers, who recently crossed illegally into the United States, boasted of their plans to settle in New York and Pennsylvania. In an interview with 1st Responders Media, the migrants who identified themselves as Egyptians, described how easy it was for them to break the law. This highlights the dire situation of the uncontrolled border crisis that the Democrats have ushered in since Joe Biden took office as president.

Despite the harrowing statistics released by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, which marked the highest number of illegal immigrant entries ever recorded, Joe Biden and his administration have done nothing to protect the American people. In fact, the surge in illegal entry is all due to his lax open-door border policies.

According to border patrol officials, over two million undocumented individuals have entered America since Biden took office, and the numbers have continued to rise in the current fiscal year. This year, border officials have recorded over 2 million migrant encounters so far, and with the current pace, the numbers for the following year will surely surpass this new record.

The current uncontrolled surge of illegal migrants began when the Biden administration canceled Title 42 earlier this year, a policy that allowed the federal government to restrict asylum seekers in order to control the spread of infectious diseases. It is hard not to conclude that the current government cares more about its open-opendoors policy than the public safety of American citizens.

Under the previous Trump administration, illegal border crossings were much more contained, with only 526,901 encounters reported in 2017, followed by 683,178 in 2018. The clear difference in results suggests that Trump’s policies were more effective in restricting illegal entry into the United States.

It’s disconcerting to know that people who have broken the law to get into the country are willing to celebrate it openly and publicly, showing that Joe Biden’s policy has trivialized the illegal crossing of borders and sends a clear message to the world that anyone is welcome to break the law as long as they are heading towards our country.

Written by Staff Reports

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