
Illinois Shocker: Non-Citizens Now Police Officers!

In a shocking and bewildering move, Illinois Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker has just signed a bill that allows non-citizens to become police officers. That’s right, folks, the same people who aren’t even legally part of our great nation will now have the power to enforce our laws. Can you believe it? It’s like giving the keys to the kingdom to someone who doesn’t even own a house.

According to Just the News, this outrageous bill, known as HB 3751, was signed into law by Pritzker last Friday. Under its provisions, anyone who is legally authorized to work and carry a gun in the United States will be allowed to serve in law enforcement. So, all those non-citizens out there who are just minding their own business, working and carrying firearms, can now arrest American citizens. What a time to be alive.

Although this mind-boggling legislation had the support of some Republicans in the state legislature, there were a few brave souls who spoke out against it. Republican Rep. Mary Miller took to Twitter to express her opposition, stating, “At 5pm yesterday, when no one was paying attention, Pritzker signed a bill to allow illegal immigrants to become police officers, giving non-citizens the power to arrest citizens in our state.” You tell ’em, Rep. Miller! It’s common sense that only citizens should have the authority to police their fellow citizens.

Not only did Rep. Miller think this bill was pure madness, but the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police also voiced its strong opposition. In a statement, they questioned the message it sends when people without legal status are allowed to become the enforcers of our laws. Can you imagine the chaos and lack of confidence in law enforcement that could arise from this? The statement also pointed out that Illinois is already facing a shortage of police officers, making this decision even more baffling.

But wait, folks, there’s a twist. The Fraternal Order of Police clarified that they do support the hiring of potential non-citizen police recruits, but only once their citizenship status is solidified. Well, isn’t that generous of them? Let’s just hold off on giving non-citizens the keys to the police station until they jump through all the hoops and become citizens first. It’s only fair to the American people, right?

It’s clear that Illinois has its fair share of challenges when it comes to law enforcement, as reflected in a recent survey of police chiefs. The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police listed “recruitment and retention” as their number one challenge. But is allowing non-citizens to join the force really the solution? Call me old-fashioned, but I believe that our law enforcement should be comprised of upstanding American citizens who have a vested interest in protecting their communities.

Let’s not throw all common sense out the window and allow non-citizens to wear the badge. It’s time for our elected officials to prioritize the safety and security of American citizens and ensure that our police force remains in the hands of those who truly have our best interests at heart.

Written by Staff Reports

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