
Indiana AG Unveils Parent Portal to Combat Leftist School Indoctrination

The Attorney General of Indiana, Todd Rokita, is making waves with an exciting new initiative aimed at combating the progressive indoctrination of children in public schools. Rokita has launched an online portal that allows parents to monitor the content being taught to their kids, giving them the power to ensure their children are not being brainwashed by left-wing ideologies.

Rokita explained his motive for taking action, stating that concerned parents had been sending him lesson plans that revealed the infiltration of critical race theory and other radical ideas into the curriculum. This discovery alarmed Rokita, prompting him to create a platform where parents could gather evidence and expose the troubling influence of these ideologies.

Of course, when confronted about their use of controversial materials, many teachers denied their existence. This only strengthened Rokita’s resolve to champion the rights of parents and their ability to hold schools accountable. The online portal allows parents to collect screenshots, lesson plans, and emails as undeniable proof of what is truly happening in the classroom.

Now, some may argue that these efforts are unnecessary, but Rokita makes it clear that parents have a right to know what their children are being taught. He dismisses the notion that parents are part of some grand conspiracy, stating, “So either these parents are part of a huge conspiracy and making all this stuff up, as teachers and school board members would have you believe, or there’s really something going on—even in good ol’ Indiana.”

Indeed, the evidence suggests that progressive indoctrination is a growing problem, even in conservative states like Indiana. Undercover footage released by the campaign group Accuracy in Media exposed school administrators boasting about implementing critical race theory while deceiving parents about their intentions. And The Daily Signal has uncovered one high school with policies aimed at supporting students with gender dysphoria while actively hiding the information from parents.

Naturally, not everyone is pleased with Rokita’s efforts. Democratic State Rep. Ed DeLaney, in typical fashion, claims that the online portal is causing division within school communities. DeLaney argues that parents should go through the proper channels within school districts to voice their concerns. However, Rokita’s initiative is precisely designed to give parents a voice and ensure their concerns are heard. DeLaney’s criticism only serves to undermine the power of parental involvement and protect the status quo of progressive indoctrination.

Overall, Rokita’s initiative is a breath of fresh air in the fight against leftist indoctrination within our education system. Parents deserve transparency and the ability to shape their children’s education. It’s time we put an end to the progressive hijacking of public schools and empower parents to take back control of their children’s minds.

Written by Staff Reports

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