
Inflation Inflicts Pain; Biden Flails as Trump Leads Polls!

President Joe Biden’s “Bidenomics” plan to tackle inflation is tanking faster than a lead balloon, and it’s Donald Trump who’s soaring to victory, as reported by the latest McLaughlin & Associates survey. The survey revealed that a whopping 84% of likely voters have felt the pinch of inflation and higher costs, with nearly half of them admitting to struggling to make ends meet.

And that’s not all – a staggering 50% of voters believe that Bidenomics has been an absolute disaster for the economy, inflation, and the cost of living. It’s no surprise that Biden is taking a serious beating over the economy, an issue he’s desperately tried to spin in his favor, even resorting to airing ads during an NFL game.

In a head-to-head matchup, Trump is basking in his highest level of support, sitting pretty at 49%, while Biden is lagging behind at a measly 43%. It seems like a month hardly goes by without another survey showing Trump dominating the political scene. Just yesterday, the Emerson College Polling confirmed that Trump is leading by a solid 47%-43%.

McLaughlin’s survey also delves into the ongoing legal battles faced by Trump, revealing that a majority of voters believe these court cases are politically motivated by the White House. An overwhelming 67% are convinced that politics is behind the four federal indictments against Trump, and a significant 61% think that Biden has had a hand in this. In fact, 61% of respondents are demanding that the Justice Department butt out and “let the voters decide who the next president should be.”

Pollster John McLaughlin summed it up beautifully, declaring, “President Trump’s shrewd strategy of spotlighting Joe Biden’s disastrous policies has paid off handsomely. Meanwhile, Biden’s corrupt campaign to indict President Trump has blown up in his face. With only 54 days to go until the Iowa caucuses and a long 11 months left until Election Day, Joe Biden is essentially doubling down on failure.”

Written by Staff Reports

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