
Iowa Abortion Ban Blocked: Courts Shield Left’s Agenda Again!

Well, well, well, it appears the liberal courts have once again intervened to defend their cherished abortion rights. What a surprise! Just days after being signed into law by the courageous and pro-life Republican governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds, the new six-week abortion ban has been blocked by the court. These activist justices just can't seem to stay out of the abortion debate, can they?

This decision is a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle legislators face to protect the sanctity of life. Even though Roe v. Wade acknowledged that there is no constitutional right to abortion, the left continues to fight tooth and nail to keep the abortion industry thriving. It is genuinely revolting.

But do not be afraid, brother conservatives! The ban may be temporarily blocked, but there is still hope. The governor has vowed to pursue this case all the way to the Iowa Supreme Court, where, presumably, true justice for the unborn can be attained. Someone should finally stand up to these activist justices and defend the rights of the voiceless.

There are exceptions to the six-week ban in cases of rape, incest, and when the life of the infant or mother is in peril. However, the left portrays this restriction as an assault on women's liberties. It is dishonest and deceptive. The claim that abortion is a fundamental right is the true assault on women's liberties. No one has the right, regardless of the circumstances, to terminate the life of an innocent infant.

Notable is the fact that Iowa's courts have been playing ping pong with the abortion issue. A district court invalidated a similar prohibition signed by Governor Reynolds in 2018 on the grounds that it violated Iowa's constitution. The Iowa Supreme Court ruled last year that there is no fundamental right to abortion in the state, which is a positive development. They left the door open, however, for the "undue burden" standard to safeguard abortion access. How practical.

Now, Judge Joseph Seidlin believes he can invalidate the new prohibition enacted by Governor Reynolds based on these flimsy criteria. He discusses the "constitutional rights" of women seeking abortions, but what about the unborn? They are conveniently disregarded throughout this ordeal. In reality, these activist justices are more concerned with advancing their own agendas than upholding the Constitution's principles.

The fight to preserve life persists, not only in Iowa but throughout the entire country. Consider Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis signed a six-week abortion prohibition in April, but it has not yet taken effect because of legal challenges. There is a never-ending cycle of courts protecting abortion. It is time to terminate this insanity and recognize the value of every human life, regardless of its size.

Written by Staff Reports

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