
IRS Whistleblowers Expose Shocking Biden Cover-Up in Hunter Investigation

The New York Times has reported that the Justice Department tried to influence the investigation into Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden's son. It was revealed that David Weiss, the US Attorney in Delaware, was aware of the political interference in the case, but he was still going to let it go.

Breitbart News reported that Shapley and his colleagues prevented the investigation against Hunter from being handled properly. Despite claims by the attorney general that the investigation was being handled independently, it is clear that the whistleblowers stood up for justice. In testimony before Congress, Shapley revealed that Weiss had essentially been washing his hands off the matter.

According to Shapley, Weiss was initially denied the opportunity to investigate Hunter's alleged crimes in other federal courts. It's believed that the Justice Department wanted to protect the Bidens and prevent him from facing any charges related to his alleged misdeeds.

Hunter's lawyers are now trying to have Shapley prosecuted for daring to reveal the truth. This is a clear attempt to silence those who came forward to expose his illegal activities. It contradicts the promises made by Biden to protect whistleblowers.

According to the New York Times, Weiss was aware of the political interference in the case, but he was still going to let it go. The investigation was expected to be concluded without requiring Hunter to plead guilty. However, after the IRS agents revealed the Justice Department's efforts to hinder the investigation, everything changed.

After changing his stance, Weiss now demanded that Hunter admit his wrongdoings and serve a prison sentence. It's clear that the pressure put on him by the whistleblowers affected his performance.

The scandal has reached a point that has prompted Attorney General Garland to grant special counsel powers to Weiss. This move is aimed at salvaging the plea deal that Hunter had been negotiating. It's now harder for Biden to ignore the mounting allegations about his son's alleged wrongdoing. Americans should be aware of the full extent of his son's illegal activities.

The political and corruption in the investigation of Hunter Biden are appalling. It shows how the ruling class can protect its own while the law-abiding citizens are forced to take the law into their own hands. It's time for the Bidens to be held accountable and put an end to the culture of corruption within the government.

Written by Staff Reports

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