
IRS Whistleblowers Rewarded for Exposing Hunter Biden Tax Affair Lies

Whistleblowers at the IRS have reportedly been rewarded for their brave revelation of the Biden administration’s questionable handling of Hunter Biden’s tax affairs. Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, the agents who exposed the cozy deal-making that could have easily flown under the radar, are now being promoted to high-ranking positions within the U.S. Department of Treasury. Their new roles as senior advisors for IRS reform come just in time for Secretary Scott Bessent to address the bloated and often corrupt agency.

This isn’t just a typical promotion; it’s a refreshing sign that someone in Washington might actually care about accountability. Bessent, in his wisdom, has sought to bring in Shapley and Ziegler to help instigate the cultural change desperately needed within the IRS. One can only imagine how eye-opening it must be for the Secretary to realize that transparency and justice could still be part of his agenda, despite the swampy murk surrounding him.

In a remarkable turn of events, Shapley is set to tackle the role of senior deputy for investigations and enforcement. At a time when it seems like taxpayer dollars are shuffled about without a care in the world, one has to question how the IRS became a proverbial playground for political influence. Shapley and Ziegler have firsthand experience with the rampant issues at the agency, having uncovered evidence of irregularities, bureaucratic sluggishness, and what they believed to be a blatant abuse of authority when it came to overseeing Hunter Biden’s case. 


This situation raises eyebrows, as in-depth investigations were reportedly slow-walked by the DOJ for political reasons. The glaring lack of action, especially with Hunter at the center of the storm, demonstrates how political favorites can undermine the credibility of federal law enforcement. One can’t help but appreciate Shapley and Ziegler’s resolve when they opted to bring their concerns to Congress after internal complaints fell flat. They are now heroes for standing up against the very system that tried to silence them.

Despite the questionable tactics employed by the IRS and DOJ to sideline the whistleblowers, the Office of Special Counsel found that the agency acted unlawfully against Shapley and Ziegler. The IRS’s blatant attempt to suppress their findings was nothing short of scandalous. Fortunately, the recent developments point toward a brighter future where accountability might finally see the light of day, at least in this particular realm of the federal government.

Shapley and Ziegler’s commitment to grappling with IRS corruption demonstrates a necessary shift in focus. The promotion they received is an encouraging sign that perhaps, just perhaps, it’s not government versus the people but rather government serving the people. The buck stops here, and any effort to uncover waste and fraud within the federal apparatus deserves a hearty round of applause. Perhaps the new administration can take a page from their book and start prioritizing integrity over favoritism.

Written by Staff Reports

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