
Is “Biden Impeachment” the Phrase White House Fears to Utter?

In a classic dodge move, Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre avoided addressing any questions regarding a potential impeachment for President Joe Biden during a press conference at the White House on Tuesday. It seems like the Biden administration is taking a page out of the previous administration’s playbook, where avoiding direct questions became the norm. Can we really expect transparency and accountability from these folks?

Interestingly enough, Biden himself was also caught running away from similar questions just earlier in the day. It’s clear that they don’t feel comfortable discussing the potential consequences of their actions. And why would they? The evidence against the Biden family and their alleged corruption in Ukraine is piling up, and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has made it clear that impeachment is on the table.

McCarthy, appearing on Fox News with Sean Hannity, boldly stated that impeachment is a real possibility. It’s refreshing to see a politician speak his mind and not shy away from holding those in power accountable. But unfortunately, the Democrats seem to be sticking to their usual playbook of evasion and deflection.

On another troubling note, we are now learning more about how the Biden family enjoyed special protections in the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s office, particularly when it came to Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal. It’s disheartening to see how those in power can manipulate the system to benefit their own.

It’s important for the American people to stay engaged and informed, despite the administration’s attempts to sweep these issues under the rug. We deserve transparency and accountability, no matter who is in power. It’s time to hold our leaders to a higher standard and demand answers.

Written by Staff Reports

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