
Ivanka Dragged into Bogus Lawsuit: Liberal Media Salivating

Last week, the radical and anti-Trump New York Attorney General Letitia James, who seems to have a personal vendetta against the former president, scored a win in her bogus civil suit against the Trump Organization and its innocent members. This shocking ruling, which conveniently came before the scheduled trial, has left the liberal media in a frenzy of excitement, eagerly looking for any scrap of information to further their anti-Trump narrative.

In this particular case, it seems that Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump’s accomplished and intelligent daughter, has been dragged into the legal mess. According to court documents, Ivanka was listed as a witness in James’ baseless lawsuit. The fact that she was included in the filing has led some legal “experts” to speculate about her level of cooperation. These so-called experts are trying to create a juicy scandal where there is none.

One of these supposed experts, Jamie White, a Michigan-based attorney who probably spent too much time in liberal law schools, has suggested that Ivanka’s inclusion as a witness could indicate some level of cooperation. But let’s be clear, this is nothing more than baseless speculation. Letitia James is a Democrat, and we all know how obsessed they are with destroying anyone associated with Trump. Just because Ivanka is listed as a witness does not mean she has done anything wrong. It’s just another attempt by the left to smear the Trump family name.

Nevertheless, White continued to offer his ill-informed opinion, stating that normally, experienced prosecutors would not call someone as a witness just to have them invoke their Fifth Amendment rights. According to him, the fact that Ivanka was initially named as a defendant and is now being called as a witness suggests some form of cooperation. It’s laughable how these so-called legal experts twist the facts to fit their own biases.

White even had the audacity to suggest that calling Ivanka randomly would be a waste of prosecutors’ resources. Well, maybe they should be more concerned about wasting taxpayers’ money on this baseless witch hunt instead. There is no evidence to suggest that Ivanka has any incriminating information. This is just another desperate attempt by the left to tarnish the reputation of a successful and accomplished woman who happens to be related to Donald Trump.

Let’s not be fooled by the manipulative tactics of Letitia James and her liberal media allies. They will stop at nothing to try and take down Trump and his family. But conservatives won’t be swayed by their deceitful tactics. We see through their biases, and we will continue to support the Trump family in the face of these baseless attacks.

Written by Staff Reports

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